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The Depth Jam. Please Finish Your Game - Chris Hecker's Website. "Chris Hecker's rant about finishing your game seemed great until several years went by and he was the only one who hadn't finished his game.

Please Finish Your Game - Chris Hecker's Website

" My rant at the 2010 Game Developers Conference was titled Please Finish Your Game. A gentleman in the audience[1] was nice enough to video[2] it for me: At the start, we present Heather Chaplin with the Duct Tape Award for her awesome 2009 rant. She couldn't make it to the GDC this year, so she sent me a video of her acceptance speech. My rant is about how I'm worried about the fixation on development time these days, both in the indie community, and in corporate games.

No More Sweden. Baad Gringos by Daniel Remar, Joel Nyström (First place) Two-player extreme sheep herding Muchacho Muchacho Muchacho by grapefrukt, perlingon, gerezon, music by anosou (Second place) Music, warmth and passion Entheogist by Kinten, Thewreck, music by anosou (Third place)

No More Sweden

Multimedia Fusion Flash Application. Blog - Diablo 3's Ability System. Diablo 3 comes out in a couple weeks.

Blog - Diablo 3's Ability System

I'm giving it the coveted award for "Biggest Comeback In System Design. " Diablo 2's ability system was so bad that it's almost unbelievable, while the way Diablo 3 handles ability customization is one of the very best systems I've seen. Diablo 2 Diablo 2 had talent trees where you spend points to unlock new abilities, very similar to how talent trees work in World of Warcraft. Also, you could allocate stat points into various different stats however you wanted as you leveled up. Don't Use Points! First, the best way to play Diablo 2 is have this big red "+" button on your screen almost the entire time, the one that says you have extra points to spend. Next, the whole system of allocating points in the first place didn't really customize anything.

Prince of Persia: Original Trilogy. Game Feel. Juice it or lose it - a talk by Martin Jonasson & Petri Purho. Homo ferratus. PatoPAzzO. HAFS Goblin. The HAFS Goblin is a Mercenary Heavy Armored Fighting Suit developed on the HAFS Jerry chassis.

HAFS Goblin

A new torso/hull was developed which incorporated the armor protection and indirect sighting advantages of the SAFS. 2x three tube missile launchers in armored housings are located on either side of the hull. There is no additional armament. This scene depicts a Goblin in the Rocky Mountain region during the Mercenary counterattacks against SDR bases on the North American continent. The first fields test for the Goblin occur on December 31, 2885.

So this diorama depicts a mechanic making adjustments to the hydraulics in a field shop shortly after the initial production makes its combat debut . Jmechner/Prince-of-Persia-Apple-II. XNAProjects. Super Mario World Camera Logic Review. I run a game dev club at my college for IGF. After year 1, here is what we learned. : gamedev. Your first startup - Sarah Prevette. Resourcefulness: Your Single Greatest Asset « Sarah Prevette. A lot of people think that the key to a successful startup is a great idea.

Resourcefulness: Your Single Greatest Asset « Sarah Prevette

Reality is, most startups iterate and change so much over time that the initial concept is drastically altered from its original vision. What matters most is not the idea, but the people who have them. Success comes from ongoing recognition of opportunity, circumvention of obstacles and unfailing perseverance. Startup employees need similar enterprising characteristics as their founder; a readiness to take on challenges and an innate will to always find a way. The trait to hire for is resourcefulness. If you’re looking for best hiring practices, I highly recommend Topgrading from Bradford Smart; I read it several years ago and really benefited from the tactical and actionable templates and theory.

Like this: I found this on an ex-Bioware employee's blog. The stages of a startup game dev. : gamedev. Been thinking about the future, so I made a Roughly Chronological Game Development Bucket List. Java OpenGL Game Engine. “I Need Practice Programming”: 49 Ideas for Game Clones to Code. So you know a little bit about programming (perhaps you've read the free book, "Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python", a free programming book for beginners whose author shamelessly plugs at every chance) but you want to get better at coding.

“I Need Practice Programming”: 49 Ideas for Game Clones to Code

You can't seem to find any open source projects that are at your level or easy for new people to contribute to. You've gone through a few of the practice problems at Project Euler but you want to create something more substantial, or at least a cool thing you can show your friends. (Not that finding the 31337th prime number isn't cool.) Here's a list of game clone ideas for you to implement. Each has a short description of the game, links to videos of the game, and descriptions of what kind of algorithms you'll need to know in order to implement them.

Orisinal Games: The Orisinal website has a great collection of Flash games with very simple mechanics that can be copied. The Wikipedia entry for video game clones also lists some ideas. 1. 2. 3.