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Gratin d'épinards et de quinoa. Ingrédients Pour 4 personnes 300 g de quinoa rouge 250 g d'épinards frais 1 bouillon de cube de légumes 35 g de beurre demi-sel 2 oeufs 100 g de faisselle 10 cl de lait 20 cl de crème liquide 40 g d'emmental râpé 2 pincées de noix de muscade sel, poivre du moulin Préparation Préchauffer le four à 180°C (th.6).

Gratin d'épinards et de quinoa

Dans une casserole, verser de l'eau et un cube de bouillon de légumes. Dans un saladier, fouetter les oeufs, le lait, la crème et la faisselle. Dans un plat à gratin, disposer les épinards et le quinoa et recouvrer du mélange oeufs-lait-crème-faisselle, parsemer des 10 g de beurre restant et d'emmental râpé. Vous pouvez utiliser des épinards surgelés, en les égouttant bien avant de les cuire dans le beurre. "Cheesy" Pine Nut Pesto On Quinoa (A Vegan Delight!)

Sometimes, I forget that vegan food can be cheesy, hearty and delicious.

"Cheesy" Pine Nut Pesto On Quinoa (A Vegan Delight!)

But then I remember this recipe and all is right in the world. This pine nut pesto quinoa dish will have you wondering what the heck you’ve been doing with your life until now. Topped with nutritional yeast, it satisfies your cheesy, savory craving while filling you up with protein and homemade pesto goodness. It’s a great go-to for a dinner party full of vegans, vegetarians, and meat-eaters alike. No one says no to pine nut pesto. Ingredients Yield is 1 cup of pesto, half of which can be used for quinoa dish for 4, or double the quinoa quantity for a larger party and use all the pesto 2/3 cup of pine nuts 2 ½ cups fresh basil (this was a little over one large bushel for me, which once I broke apart was able to fit into 2 ½ cups 3 cloves minced garlic 1 cup white quinoa 2 1/3 cups vegetable broth 3 Tbsp. water 2 Tbsp. olive oil 2 Tbsp. nutritional yeast 1 tsp. salt For quinoa (for 4 servings) Directions:

Love That Quinoa Burger! November 1, 2010 by Linda So yummy!

Love That Quinoa Burger!

If you want a change of pace that’s meat-free, yet full of protein, fiber, and very filling…this might be for you. I like it with Tzatziki on top (my recipe is in this post), or a little “fry sauce” (what some drive-ins call that wonderful mayo/ketchup combo), and with a thick slice of tomato, avocado, onion and lettuce, as a burger should be, it’s fab. Don’t be afraid of Quinoa.

It cooks just like rice – might even be a little easier! UPDATE!! 2 rounded cups cooked quinoa (see note below for cooking instructions) 3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese (or other variety, if you prefer) 1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese 1 medium carrot, finely grated (OR 1 cup shredded zucchini, squeezed dry) 3 eggs 3 tablespoons all purpose flour 2 green onions, including white parts 1 /2 teaspoon sugar 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder Olive oil for frying To cook quinoa for the above recipe: 1 cup uncooked quinoa 2 cups water.