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10 Strategies to Deal with Challenging and Attention Seeking Behavior. Today's question for Dr.

10 Strategies to Deal with Challenging and Attention Seeking Behavior

B (our resident early development specialist) is about challenging and attention seeking behavior in children. It was submitted by Kelly (from Dances with Chaos), who would like to perform an exorcism on her tantrum prone four-year-old (pictured left) before the little devil drives her out of her mind. Editor's Note: If the picture weren't cropped, I'm almost positive you would see the word "HANDFUL" hanging directly over his head. The strategies were written specifically for Kelly's question, but Dr. B assures me that you can use them for almost any age.

Dear Dr. On some days I have a sweet, adorable four-year-old little boy. Is he just testing me in “normal” ways? And what can I do in the meantime to keep from going insane?? Please help.— Kelly Dear Kelly, Your Child's Temperament: Finding the Right Parenting Style to Match. Anyone who’s ever parented more than one child understands a fundamental truth: No two kids are alike.

Your Child's Temperament: Finding the Right Parenting Style to Match

Here’s what many parents don’t understand: We need to tailor our parenting styles according to each child’s individual needs and temperaments. That’s what a study published last August in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology reports. “There’s a lot of parenting advice out there. Home. Interrupting Your Child's Interruption Habit. Most parents have experienced this very familiar scene.

Interrupting Your Child's Interruption Habit

You are on the telephone filing an insurance claim or setting up a doctor appointment. Meanwhile there is a constant tugging on your sleeve or tapping on your shoulder. Building Positive Relationships Between Teachers & Parents. How Can Parents Model Good Listening Skills? Worried About Grades and other expert advice. 7 Ways to Teach Self-Control. Dr.

7 Ways to Teach Self-Control

Scott Turansky offers moms practical, real-life advice for many of parenting’s greatest challenges. read bio One of the primary tasks of early childhood is to develop self discipline. Parents often find themselves correcting their children for interrupting, being wild, not following instructions or for not controlling their hands or mouths. These all require self discipline or self-control. Attitude Makeover: Irresponsible.

Antidote: Responsibility, Trustworthiness, Reliability"How was I supposed to know it was due today?

Attitude Makeover: Irresponsible

" Dear Dr. Borba, I'm ashamed to admit this, but our eleven year old is so irresponsible. She never takes care of her things and needs constant reminders to do her homework. Most of the time, my husband or I end up finishing it – it's almost easier then listening to her excuses. Irresponsible Children: Why Nagging and Lecturing Dont Work. If you’re like most parents, you probably spend enormous amounts of time and energy teaching about the importance of being responsible.

Irresponsible Children: Why Nagging and Lecturing Dont Work

You encourage it, you explain why it’s important, and you remind your child again and again why he should do the things he’s supposed to do. You complain, nag and lecture, but to no avail. It probably seems like you’re talking to a brick wall, because your kid still won’t clean his room, empty the dishwasher, complete his homework or apologize to his little brother unless you threaten and punish. Build family bonds and raise confident children. Playful Parenting is an insightful look at the benefits of play and how to use play versus power trips to get desired actions.

Build family bonds and raise confident children

He offers tips and techniques for parents to let go and play more, all while underscoring the value of play in family bonding. Why kids need play Cohen explains, "For adults, play means leisure. But for children, play is more like their job. " According to the author, play is profoundly more meaningful than parents usually think. How children discover the world and develop confidence as they try on adult roles and skills.How we serve our needs for attachment, affection and closeness. Play versus power trips. Johnny be good: Why we shouldn't tell our kids to "be good" If “good” is not clearly defined to a youngster still learning the rights, wrongs and sociocultural norms of the world, compliance with the command would indeed be a challenge.

Johnny be good: Why we shouldn't tell our kids to "be good"

Why “good” can be bad When a child is told to “be good” it carries with it a certain amount of vagueness and subjectivity. Being good can mean different things to different people on different days under different circumstances. The best behavior management strategies identify a few specific behaviors using clear and concise language to replace the umbrella term of “good.”

Spoiled rotten: Why you shouldn't coddle your kids. Don't give your child everything As parents, it's natural to want to give your children everything you can.

Spoiled rotten: Why you shouldn't coddle your kids

After all, we want them to be happy. And most of the time, children equate fun toys and activities with happiness. How to Host a Successful Playdate. Maximize Morning Quality Time - Child Quality Time - Bonding With Kids Video. Getting your family ready in the morning can be one of the most difficult tasks you face all day.

Maximize Morning Quality Time - Child Quality Time - Bonding With Kids Video

Make your morning a little less stressful by spending more quality time with your kids.See Transcript Hi! I'm Kathy Moore for Parenting. Getting your family ready in the morning can be one of the most difficult tasks you face all day. This program will offer strategies to create some quality time in your morning routine and make the start of your family's day a little less stressful. Establish a Morning Routine Every parent knows that the secret to reducing morning chaos is to establish a routine and prepare as much as you can the night before. Prepare for the Morning Routine Before bed at night, we also make a morning checklist that lists any special activity or things we need to bring to work or school so we will not forget them in the morning. Wake Before the Children.