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Registration. Snack Lit « ISO Shon Charisma. Snack Lit is where I offer you a tasty literary treat that will--hopefully--keep you coming back to my blog and hanging with me. I thought and thought about what sweet morsel I would bestow upon you, and I've decided to showcase a work of mine by the name of To Catch a Cheat. Every 15th of the month, I will give you an installment of TCaC to whet your appetite and keep you coming back for more.

So what is To Catch a Cheat about? Read on... Cheater Investigator Carter Devlin, co-owner of F.A.C.E. In To Catch a Cheat, Carter finds herself falling in heat with Kenneth despite the facts that he’s a possible cheater and his wife, a vocal client during the investigation, happens to look eerily like her. Episode #1 – Partake in the premiere episode of To Catch a Cheat, where you’ll meet Carter and her crazy band of girlfriends as they help to get her ready to embark on her next mission! Like this: Like Loading... Second Life Facebook Style Profiles Create Privacy Concerns | Krypton Radio. Krypton Radio Newswire Linden Lab pushes Second Life into something closer to a Web 2.0 social media platform with its new Facebook-like extension - which unfortunately lets anyone post anything to your profile by default.

San Francisco based Linden Lab (LL), creators of the virtual world Second Life (SL), have taken the next step in what appears to be their overall plans to merge SL with the social media craze that has been sweeping the internet for many years now. The public profiles of SL users have now been changed to work more like the well known Facebook wall, allowing other users to post comments on the profiles of anyone who has it turned on, and it’s turned on by default. Originally a users profile could only be seen by another user while logged-in and in-world, but as Linden Lab pushed its next-gen Viewer project, it moved the profiles to website based. Stay tuned to Krypton Radio for further updates! NUS SecondLife. Odyssey Contemporary Art and Performance. Solution Provider Directory of Virtual World Developers and Consultants | Second Life Grid. Second Life - Great Places to Visit.