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5 Ways to Stop Trolls From Killing the Internet. The Subtle Art of Trolling. Why Students Like Social Media But Schools Don’t. Social media is here to stay. Students love it. Teachers love it.

Video Games

GDC 2012, Iam8bit remind on 'Super Magnetic Game-O-Matic', detail featured artists. In anticipation of next week's Game Developers Conference, show organizers and independent artist group iam8bit have revealed a number of the featured artists drawing at this year's interactive art exhibit, the "Super Magnetic Game-O-Matic.

GDC 2012, Iam8bit remind on 'Super Magnetic Game-O-Matic', detail featured artists

" As previously announced, this event, taking place in the 2nd floor of Moscone West, features giant oversized poetry magnets, which GDC attendees can rearrange to create their own game ideas. Throughout the show, notable industry artists will sketch their own interpretations of the most interesting concepts. The featured artists at this creatively driven event each offer their own unique artistic specialties, ensuring that the event will remain spontaneous, unpredictable, and fun. Here are a few of the notable artists to be featured at the event during the week (with a number of additional guests to be announced on site): - Ben Thompson is an artist at Blizzard Entertainment, and has worked particularly on the studio's MMO juggernaut World of WarCraft.


The Literacy of Gaming: What Kids Learn From Playing. “When people learn to play videogames,” according to James Paul Gee, “they are learning a new literacy.”

The Literacy of Gaming: What Kids Learn From Playing

This is one of the reason kids love playing them: They are learning a new interactive language that grants them access to virtual worlds that are filled with intrigue, engagement and meaningful challenges. And one that feels more congruent with the nature and trajectory of today’s world. As our commerce and culture migrates further into this emerging digital ecosystem it becomes more critical that we develop digital literacy, of which videogames inhabit a large portion. Gee, a linguist and professor of literacy studies at Arizona State University, thinks we should expand the traditional definition of literacy beyond reading and writing because language isn’t the only communication system available in today’s world. These Are NOT Serious Games! -TDT- Hunts. MOOC. EVE Online empire space becomes safe.

EVE Online empire space becomes safe Well, there was bound to be some fallout from the Mittanigate affair.

EVE Online empire space becomes safe

Apparently several players complained about being harassed, and CCP got under legal pressure to provide a harassment-free environment for those who didn't want to participate in the wars and treacherous politics of EVE Online. Thus they announced a rule-change that from the next patch on empire space will actually become *really* safe. No more suicide ganking possible, players in the safe sectors simply can't PvP at all any more. Even the usual tricks of getting a new player to flag himself for PvP by picking up "a gift" floating in space won't work any more.

Bookleteer. Proboscis. Game Developer - September 2011 - Page 48-49. Art Law Library. Art on Trial: Violent and Threatening Imagery. Texts in Conversation: The Motivation of the Griefing Subculture « The Rhetoric of Gaming. Room with a view. Graffiti in the Classroom. The Witness AWR NASA, photo by Jaime Rojo Students often have lots of interest and questions about graffiti, graffiti art and street art.

Graffiti in the Classroom

My response usually includes the fact that I love graffiti art and street art, especially if the artist takes their time to make something that’s really well designed (and in some cases has permission to create it). From my perspective, you can’t make a quality work of art in a few seconds while simultaneously looking over your shoulder for the cops. That’s where I draw the line between art and vandalism. Vandalism includes tagging/defacing a space that the artist knows will have to be washed off immediately (store windows, front doors of businesses, subway token booths, etc.). Wrinkles in the City by JR in downtown L.A., image: The Dirt Floor Billboard street art by LebA, image: The Dirt Floor The Dirt Floor gives you a rolling update on street art in and around Los Angeles.

Brooklyn Street Art is described as: Justin K. Reeve « Insights Into Educational Technology. I gave a presentation to the ARVEL group about my Undersea Observatory. Shown below is the video. International Art Education Association.


Presentations as storytelling. Nancy Duarte is the owner of an award-winning presentation design firm.

Presentations as storytelling

She is also the author of the book Resonate, which incorporates insights from literature and cinema to show how you can incorporate storytelling principles into a presentation. One central idea is that great talks move back and forth between telling what is and what could be. Duarte’s message is aimed at business presenters, but it can easily be applied to classroom presentations. See what you think. John Knox, an award-winning atmospheric scientist at the University of Georgia, also thinks storytelling is a good idea. More: If you want to see more from Nancy Duarte, then try her TED talk, The secret structure of great talks.

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