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The Personal Hedgehog Concept: Unlock Your Potential. The Hedgehog Concept in Good to Great by Jim Collins can transform your life as well as your business.

The Personal Hedgehog Concept: Unlock Your Potential

Finding your Personal Hedgehog is the key to unlocking your potential and discovering what you’re really meant to do. Welcome to Throwback Thursday, where we take a look at a past Agile Lifestyle feature that’s still as timely and relevant as ever. This article has been completely updated with the latest research and information. Strategyzer. Rep. Tim Ryan: Mindfulness Helps Me Stay Grounded During Conflict (Video) Congressman Tim Ryan (D-Ohio), author of A Mindful Nation, on how mindfulness helps him maintain a connection to his values during times of conflict.

Rep. Tim Ryan: Mindfulness Helps Me Stay Grounded During Conflict (Video)

While we're learning about how mindfulness can help us achieve a state of awareness in the moment, it also can help us identify what makes us tick, and then find ways to dial it down. And who would know this better than a politicial embroiled in Washington's political gridlock. 7 Steps for Putting Ideas Into Action. Works Remotely by Shaun of 37signals. Entreprise 2.0, Start-Up et PME : Le Livre Blanc est (enfin) disponible. Chose promise, chose due ;-) Avant de vous lancer dans le téléchargement de la version web de ce livre blanc, sachez que nous avons également préparé une version "print" disponible sur simple demande (cf. formulaire en fin de ce billet), sympa, non ?

Entreprise 2.0, Start-Up et PME : Le Livre Blanc est (enfin) disponible

Performance Management, Balanced Scorecard, Software, Consulting, Training. Performance indicators are essential tools which will tell you if your business is on target or veering off course. Using the right indicators will help you deliver the right results. Key Performance Indicators cuts straight to the 75 + KPIs that matter. It explains what key performance indicators are, gives you short overviews of each metric and describes how to use the measure effectively.

There are worked examples throughout which will equip you with the skills to understand, assess and interpret the most important aspects of any business. From net profit margin, to customer satisfaction through to brand equity, six sigma level and employee engagement the book gives you the manageable and essential key indicators.

Key Performance Indicators is an essential reference guide to these indispensable business evaluation tools. Reviews Finance & Management Journal, April 2012. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) - explained: examples, reporting & case studies... Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help organisations understand how well they are performing in relation to their strategic goals and objectives.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) - explained: examples, reporting & case studies...

In the broadest sense, a KPI can be defined as providing the most important performance information that enables organisations or their stakeholders to understand whether the organisation is on track or not. API > Browse Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Examples and Choose the Right Metrics for You and Your Company. The Perfect Workspace (According to Science) The spaces we occupy shape who we are and how we behave.

The Perfect Workspace (According to Science)

This has serious consequences for our psychological well-being and creative performance. Given that many of us spend years working in the same room, or even at the same desk, it makes sense to organize and optimize that space in the most beneficial ways possible. When it comes to building your workspace you can aim for the trendy look and flick through some interior design mags, or you can let science guide the way.

Mind Mapping software for visual thinking. Do Things that Don't Scale. July 2013 One of the most common types of advice we give at Y Combinator is to do things that don't scale.

Do Things that Don't Scale

A lot of would-be founders believe that startups either take off or don't. You build something, make it available, and if you've made a better mousetrap, people beat a path to your door as promised. Science of People. TED, des idées qui méritent d’être diffusées ! TED, ce n’est pas que le nom d’un ours en peluche, c’est aussi l’abréviation de Technology, Entertainment et Design.

TED, des idées qui méritent d’être diffusées !

Derrière ce sigle et ce logo, vous aurez peut-être reconnu les conférences autour d’idées qui méritent d’être diffusées, comme l’indique son motto « Ideas worth spreading. » Des licences locales permettent depuis quelques années à ce format d’interventions courtes de se propager partout dans le monde. En février dernier, la première conférence TEDx a eu lieu à Lille, avec plusieurs intervenants dont nous nous sommes déjà fait l’écho sur ce blog et qui contribuent chacun à leur manière à la construction d’un nouvel art de vivre ensemble. Le pouvoir des idées pour changer d’attitude, de vie, de monde… La première conférence TED a eu lieu à Monterey en Californie en février 1984.

TED, des idées qui méritent d’être diffusées ! Le manager urbain. Net Neutrality - The topic is hotly debated. At our next member event, May 13th, we welcome as a guest-speaker National Councillor Balthasar Glättli.

Net Neutrality - The topic is hotly debated

After the spring session, he will present us his initial conclusion to his motion "net neutrality". Net neutrality refers to the equal treatment of data and services in fixed and mobile Internet in terms of speed and quality. We Are All Part of the Work/Life Revolution - Stew Friedman. By Stew Friedman | 1:00 PM March 12, 2013 The Twitterverse has been aflame with a lot of noise about Sheryl Sandberg, Anne Marie Slaughter, and Marissa Mayer.

We Are All Part of the Work/Life Revolution - Stew Friedman

But a lot of this talk is knee-jerk criticism that misses the big picture: our nation’s failure to address the issue of integrating work and the rest of life has finally emerged as a critical economic, social, political, and personal issue affecting not only women, but all of us, and it’s capturing deservedly serious attention and accelerating experimentation with new models in our brave new world.

WorldBlu LIVE : Spreading Freedom at Work : May 15–16, 2013. Das kleine 1x1 des Denkens. How would a #NoFirePolicy affect your company? An interview with NextJump CEO Charlie Kim who decided to do just that.