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Earthcrums. EtsyLush : If you can't afford origin... Prints. The 3-Step Cure for No-Sales Syndrome. 4 Steps to Selling With Social Media. Are you wondering why your social media efforts aren’t working?

4 Steps to Selling With Social Media

Social media success sometimes appears arbitrary. Perhaps you’ve wondered, “Why does company X generate leads and business from their social activity while my company wastes resources on blogs that don’t get read and tweets that go unanswered?” Social media is so new, sometimes the path to success is unclear and it’s easy to lose your way. If you want to demystify the experience and improve your ROI (return on investment), you need to make sure that your marketing and campaigns include these four essential components: Attraction: How do you attract qualified leads to your website or business? Seller Offers. Seller How-To: Fostering Repeat Business. Wholesale Beads and Jewelry Making Supplies. and Crafts.