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The Real Moms of Facebook. Wall Photos. Hyper-Realistic Acrylic Body Painting. When Suzanne Green pointed me to this gallery, at first I thought “Nothing special, must be Photoshopped“.

Hyper-Realistic Acrylic Body Painting

But Alexa Meade is an artist who thinks completely backwards! Most artists use acrylic paints to create portraits of people on canvas, while Alexa applied acrylic paints on her subjects, and made them appear to be part of a painting! Meade is an installation artist based in the Washington, DC area. Her innovative use of paint on the three dimensional surfaces of found objects, live models, and architectural spaces has been incorporated into a series of installations that create a perceptual shift in how we experience and interpret spatial relationships. In weeks to come, I will prepare more of her galleries for you to enjoy!

Facebook. The Name of This Land is Hell: Mexico in Literature. A valuable lesson was learned on the treacherous road that led to the creation of this month’s column, a journey that began as a review of Amigoland, the debut novel by Oscar Casares, and ended with the vow that I shall never again attempt to understand Mexico, not through literature and history and scholars, nor through the field and clinical data compiled by sociologists and ethnologists.

The Name of This Land is Hell: Mexico in Literature

The Mexican psyche and character is a slippery beast that defies understanding. Before the 300-year Spanish occupation, the indigenous peoples of Mexico were comprised of the Maya, the Zapotec, the Olmec, the Aztec, and the Mixtec, advanced civilizations that thrived for over 4,000 years before the Europeans turned the nation into their own Extended Stay hotel, bringing along a foreign religion that they were more than eager to share with the native populace. “Years ago a good friend of mine was an elderly Spanish gentleman – an incredible man of letters – who was a historian,” Vaughn wrote. The Future on the Moon by Matthew Di Paoli. In the future, everyone lives on the moon, but we have the same problems.

The Future on the Moon by Matthew Di Paoli

Lactose intolerance seems to have gotten worse. It's disappointing. You go out and buy a pouch of cookies and realize you can't enjoy it. That's what it's like being on the moon. Also, sometimes people forget to fasten their boots and they fly off into infinite space and explode. "Johnny was walking his spacedog (we can only own spacedogs now) and he flew off into the sky and was never heard from again. " If I could choose a way to go it wouldn't be by combustion. I guess it's not so bad on the moon though. We don't use spacesuits anymore being that this is the future. I guess it's kind of lonely here, but the pornography is amazing.

When I go to buy groceries, everything's in those little packets, freeze-dried. I remember the consistency of things. How to wake up a kid - ( Breed- Nirvana ) Epic Brawl Depicted. Slide Show Thanks to all the children who took us up on our first (and somewhat controversial) “Kids Draw the News” assignment: the big fight in the Tap Room of the New York Athletic Club.

Epic Brawl Depicted

Behold their handiwork, in the slide show above. This Week’s Assignment Now, here’s this week’s assignment: On Monday, at a big rally outside City Hall, a man called the mayor “Pharaoh Bloomberg” apparently because the mayor opposes a law to pay poor workers more money. The man yelled this while the head of the City Council, Christine C. You may illustrate any aspect of the story you choose. Have your grownup scan the drawing and submit it using our online form. Submit Artwork »