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Mobile JavaScript Framework for Developing HTML5 Web Apps. ACE - The High Performance Code Editor for the Web. Creating a new syntax highlighter for Ace is extremly simple.

ACE - The High Performance Code Editor for the Web

You'll need to define two pieces of code: a new mode, and a new set of highlighting rules. Where to Start We recommend using the the Ace Mode Creator when defining your highlighter. This allows you to inspect your code's tokens, as well as providing a live preview of the syntax highlighter in action. Defining a Mode Every language needs a mode. Here is the starter template we'll use to create a new mode: define(function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var oop = require(".. var TextMode = require(". var Tokenizer = require(".. var MatchingBraceOutdent = require(". var MyNewHighlightRules = require(". var MyNewFoldMode = require(". var Mode = function() { this.HighlightRules = MyNewHighlightRules; this. this.foldingRules = new MyNewFoldMode(); oop.inherits(Mode, TextMode); (function() { this.lineCommentStart = "//";

Jamie Wong. STUNT: TCP NAT Traversal. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Code for this project is no longer maintained, and is released to the public domain.

STUNT: TCP NAT Traversal

The NAT testing and classification server, however, will continue to operate. The concepts behind this work are being rolled in ICE-TCP, which we expect will find it's way into various open-source libraries such as PJNatH and libJingle. Feel free to contact Saikat if you have general questions about TCP NAT traversal. NEW:libnutss version 0.1.0 with STUNT NAT traversal. Simple Traversal of UDP Through NATs and TCP too (STUNT), which extends STUN to include TCP functionality, is a lightweight protocol that allows applications running behind a NAT to determine external IP and port-binding properties, packet filtering rules and various timeouts associated with TCP connections through the NAT. Apr 29, 2007 First release of libnutss (version 0.1.0) is now available! Jul 25, 2006SharpSTUNT is a port of STUNT to C#. May 1, 2006STUNT has been reimplemented in C/C++ by Kuanyu Chou.

Underscore.js. Underscore is a JavaScript library that provides a whole mess of useful functional programming helpers without extending any built-in objects.


It’s the answer to the question: “If I sit down in front of a blank HTML page, and want to start being productive immediately, what do I need?” … and the tie to go along with jQuery's tux and Backbone's suspenders. Underscore provides over 100 functions that support both your favorite workaday functional helpers: map, filter, invoke — as well as more specialized goodies: function binding, javascript templating, creating quick indexes, deep equality testing, and so on. The project is hosted on GitHub. You can report bugs and discuss features on the issues page, on Freenode in the #documentcloud channel, or in our Gitter channel.

Collection Functions (Arrays or Objects) _.each(list, iteratee, [context]) Alias: forEach Iterates over a list of elements, yielding each in turn to an iteratee function. . _.some([null, 0, 'yes', false]); => true Chaining. Npm. Sony's Smart Glasses Display Subtitles While You're At The Movies. There's lots of interesting technology ideas out there, but those that find a balance between interesting and practical are few and far between.

Sony's Smart Glasses Display Subtitles While You're At The Movies

Perhaps that's why these 'Entertainment Access Glasses' from Sony Electronics, aimed to help those who are visually impaired or hard of hearing, are a breath of fresh since they help improve an experience that isn't normally associated with technological improvements: the cinema. Basically, the glasses allow users to read subtitles through tiny projectors built into the glasses. With options such as changing the language of the captions, how far or close they appear, and the angle of the captions depending on where you're sitting. Thankfully, the glasses are also built in with a 3D overlay so you only need the one pair of glasses to watch any 3D films. The glasses also cater for those who are visually impaired or blind by offering descriptive audio tracks so they can enjoy the movie too.