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Errormarker.vim - Highlights and sets error markers for lines with compile errors : vim online - Pentadactyl. Vim - Vim as XML Editor: Setup - Pentadactyl. Again, this is just one way of setting things up. TMTOWTDI ;) Your local environment is likely to be different, as well as your preferences, and the tools evolve. I'll give a short overview of what I use; please refer to the documentation of the respective tool for instructions on how to best set things up. If you experience problems with any of the tools featured below please file bug reports directly to the respective project. Linux Here's my .bashrc: ~/.bashrc Often it helps to do source .bashrc after having modified .bashrc and after having created new command scripts. Windows When creating batch files on Windows (file name suffix .bat) don't forget to make sure that the file format is set correctly. The vimrc file is the place where you set your preferences.

Vimrc The latest version is online at For example there is let mapleader = "," and nmap <Leader>l <Leader>cd:%w ! Which means that whenever I want xmllint to validate the buffer I do , l. home Home Manual man #! Start - Vim as XML Editor - Pentadactyl.


With python. Start - Web Development - Venturing into Vim: 4-Part Video Series - Tuts+ Marketplace - Pentadactyl. Start - Best of VIM Tips, gVIM's Key Features zzapper - Pentadactyl. Start - Synchronizing plugins with git submodules and pathogen - Pentadactyl. Synchronizing plugins with git submodules and pathogen If you use Vim on muliple machines, it can be difficult to keep your configuration files synchronized across them. One solution is to put your dotfiles under version control. In this episode, I demonstrate how to keep your vimrc and plugins synchronized using git submodules and the pathogen plugin. Keep your dotfiles in git The following instructions assume that your home directory contains a .vimrc file, a .vim directory and a .gvimrc file (optional). Move the .vimrc and .gvimrc files into the .vim directory: mv .vimrc ~/.vim/vimrc mv .gvimrc ~/.vim/gvimrc Create symbolic links so that ~/.vimrc points to the ~/.vim/vimrc file: ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc ln -s ~/.vim/gvimrc ~/.gvimrc Change to the .vim directory, and initialize it as a git repository: cd ~/.vim git init Create a README file, and paste installation instructions into it (see example README).

Add all files, and make an initial commit: git add . git commit -m "Initial commit"