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Start - How to timeout in Python (with multiprocessing) [] - Pentadactyl. How (not) to set a timeout on a computation in Python : Python - Pentadactyl. Start - Zero load time file formats - Steve Hanov's Programming Blog - Pentadactyl. Sometimes you cannot afford to load data files from disk.

Start - Zero load time file formats - Steve Hanov's Programming Blog - Pentadactyl

Maybe you need results immediately, or the data is simply too large to fit into memory. A technique that I like to use is an on-disk data structure. Here is a toy example for instantly accessing lists of related words. In this article, I address the problem of the time needed to load data into memory from disk. However, I do not make any optimization for disk caches or blocks. Start - jbochi/bazinga - GitHub - Pentadactyl. Start - Porting code to Python 3 with 2to3 - Dive Into Python 3 - Pentadactyl. Start - Gevent, Long-Polling & You - Toast Driven - Pentadactyl. A big focus lately (as far as web technology trends go) is the move to "real-time".

Start - Gevent, Long-Polling & You - Toast Driven - Pentadactyl

"Real-time" is a loaded terms that can mean a lot of things to different people, but what is consistent is people's desire to always have the latest information, without a lot of effort on their part. Because, let's face it, funny cat pictures are srs bizness. Start - Design Patterns in Python : Python - Pentadactyl. Start - Crash into Python - Pentadactyl.