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Code Of Honor - Game design, programming and more. Fabien Sanglard's website: Deep magic explained. Sprite Database : News. The Witness | An exploration-puzzle game on an uninhabited island. The development blog. We just finished porting The Witness to D3D11. It took a little longer than I was hoping and one of the unexpected difficulties was getting our D3D9 HLSL shaders to work in D3D11. The D3D shader compiler provides a backward compatibility flag (D3DCOMPILE_ENABLE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY) that I was hoping would allow us to use our shaders ‘as is’. Unfortunately, it seems the backward compatibility mode has not received much love and things were not that simple. I run into several compiler internal errors, and even after finding workarounds most of our shaders did not actually compile, but would have required significant modifications, the resulting vertex and pixel shaders would often not link at runtime, and the use of register annotations on samplers only allowed us to control the layout of the samplers, but not of the associated textures.

This is essentially what we already do in the OpenGL backend to transform GLSL into HLSL. For that we use HLSL2GLSL and GLSLOptimizer. Bitsquid. What Games Are.