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Présidentielles US 2012

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Romney Firm Invested In Chinese Company That Touted Low Wages, Low Tax Liability To Investors. Romney's Family Trust Invested in Chinese Oil Company. Will Mitt Romney’s Facebook Friends Comfort Him In Defeat? Reports indicate that former presidential candidate Mitt Romney is experiencing “sustained boredom” following his loss Nov. 6.

Will Mitt Romney’s Facebook Friends Comfort Him In Defeat?

But the real question is: Will the government let him keep his nearly 12 million Facebook friends to comfort him in his loss? The Facebook pages of both Romney and his running mate, Paul Ryan, have been largely silent since Election Day, except for a sweet photo of Romney hugging his wife, Ann, that was shared in a Thanksgiving Day post. The 2012 general election may have been the most “social” in history, but that doesn’t mean that election law has caught up with Facebook, a platform used extensively by campaigns during the last election to not only communicate with voters, but to gather valuable demographic and voter data.

The question now is: What happens to the care and feeding of the candidates’ Facebook pages? The question can have real implications, give the level of support online for the Republican ticket. Obama To Clint Eastwood: This Seat's Taken. In an apparent jab at Clint Eastwood's bizarre Republican National Convention speech, President Obama's reelection team tweeted out a photo of the president sitting in his designated Cabinet Room chair, declaring that "this seat's taken.

Obama To Clint Eastwood: This Seat's Taken

" This seat's taken. OFA.BO/c2gbfi,…— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) August 31, 2012 On Thursday, actor Clint Eastwood made a surprise appearance at the Republican convention. Eastwood spent much of his odd turn on stage addressing an empty chair representing the president. BarackObama : This seat's taken. Photos du journal.

America: Elect! The action-packed journey to US election day in graphic novel form. Election Day 2012 on Facebook. Today is Election Day in the United States and Facebook is committed to encouraging people who use our service to participate in the democratic process.

Election Day 2012 on Facebook

As a result, Facebook is focused on ensuring that those who are eligible to vote know where they can cast their ballots and, if they wish, share the fact that they voted with their friends. Similar to 2008 and 2010, U.S. Facebook users over age 18 will see a message at the top of their News Feed reminding them that it is Election Day and to go vote. The Facebook message will also contain a link to the Facebook Polling Place Locator ( an application that lets users find out where they can vote. The app was developed with data from the non-partisan Voting Information Project ( and is a joint project of VIP, Facebook and Microsoft. We also will employ several social features that let people on Facebook encourage their friends to participate in Election Day. Throughout Election Day and night, the U.S. Romney - Obama : la guerre du net - Le Plus France Info - Monde.

Le premier débat télévisé entre Barack Obama et Mitt Romney a lieu cette nuit à Denver, dans le Colorado.

Romney - Obama : la guerre du net - Le Plus France Info - Monde

Le président sortant a une longueur d'avance dans les sondages. Le candidat républicain peut-il renverser la tendance lors de ce débat, grand classique des élections américaines ? La réponse se trouve en partie sur internet et les stratégies mises en place par les candidats pour convaincre les électeurs à travers le web. 2008 n'est pas 2012. Less Than 100 Days Until Election, Facebook Offers Tips for Campaigns. The Twitter Political Index. Twitter se mue en institut de sondage pour la présidentielle américaine - Etats-Unis.

« Cette gaffe lui a coûté cher, il a perdu 4 points au Twindex !

Twitter se mue en institut de sondage pour la présidentielle américaine - Etats-Unis

». On entendra peut-être cette phrase dans la bouche d’un commentateur politique dans les mois voire les années à venir. Le « Twindex », contraction de « Twitter Political Index », désigne l’application lancée par le site de micro-blogging hier, mercredi 1er août. Social media ad spending in 2012 expected to more than double compared to 2008 - The Hill's Twitter Room. BIA Kelsey, a financial consulting firm in media and telecommunications, predicted in a study released Tuesday that social media ad spending will grow from $3.8 billion in 2011 to $9.8 billion by 2016, with the majority spent on display ads.

Social media ad spending in 2012 expected to more than double compared to 2008 - The Hill's Twitter Room

Display ads target social media audiences on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Hulu and Pandora. With less than six months left until the election, Obama’s campaign ads are everywhere on these platforms, tapping into information provided by users to target demographics including age, location and sometimes gender.Online advertising is still a tiny fraction of what presidential campaigns spend on advertising overall, even though as a percentage of total campaign advertising, spending on social media has doubled since the last presidential cycle. "Comparing the Obama campaign — who haven't gone through a primary — with 750 staffers, versus Romney, with 87, is comparing apples and hamburgers," Moffatt told NPR on Monday.

Obama loin devant.. sur internet. A la différence des élections 2008, les réseaux sociaux sont omniprésents cette année.

Obama loin devant.. sur internet

Plutôt que de s’en tenir aux médias traditionnels ou aux conférences de presse, les candidats ont privilégié la connexion directe avec leurs électeurs : un moyen subtil de créer du lien avec sa cible tout en lui donnant la possibilité de réagir à chaud sur différents sujets. Jouanito. Barack Obama élu président de l’internet.


À l’approche de la fin de la campagne présidentielle US, petit tour d’horizon de la force de frappe d’Obama sur les réseaux sociaux. Une véritable machine qui exploite chaque réseau, chaque événement, chaque fonctionnalité, pour doper sa communication. Un modèle du genre.