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Tutorials for Recycling T-Shirts. So way way back, in June, I wrote this Studio Organization post, about starting the process of organizing my studio by cleaning out the closet full of junk.

Tutorials for Recycling T-Shirts

Well, it's September and...let's just say the closet is a work in progress. Some of the things that are taking up space in the closet are shirts that I never wear anymore. I realized I could repurpose them into something else!


Jewelry. Stencil with freezer paper (harry potter tee) Yes, I am a nerd.

stencil with freezer paper (harry potter tee)

I came up with a brilliant idea for a Harry Potter t-shirt and I couldn't resist. "Expecto Patronum! " However, you can make whatever kind of design you want with a freezer paper stencil. DIY: T-shirt Surgery. Image: flickr Do you have have tonnes of old baggy t-shirts crowding out your wardrobe and not sure what to do with them?

DIY: T-shirt Surgery

Chopping them up and reconstructing them into funky, sexy and hip clothing is hot right now. Often called t-shirt mashups, t-shirt surgery, or t-shirt refashioning, whatever its called we love it.