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How To Make Paid Social Media Ads Effective And Engaging. While advertising on social media makes sense for advertisers, the owners of ‘free’ sites like Twitter and Facebook still need to make money. Ad banners have been the answer for many social media sites for a long time. However, banner blindness has created a large problem for advertisers since they are paying for impressions, but people are more and more frequently ignoring the banner and the typical website template locations in which they’re shown. So how do businesses combat ad blindness, especially when users are going out of their way to install plug-ins to block ads? The answer comes with embracing social media and working with it instead of using traditional advertising language and methods. Social aggregation advertising: blend in Social news aggregation sites, like Digg and StumbleUpon, are offering sponsoring links and submissions for advertisers that want a chance to promote their content without being too intrusive.

Facebook ads: grow your audience Mobile ads: know your user. 35 SEO & Social Media Expert Interviews. Three of the most trusted SEO and social media experts, Rhea Drysdale, Tamar Weinberg and Lee Odden. Photo by toprankonlinemarketing. Interviews are often overlooked pieces of distilled wisdom. They aren’t very popular on social media but they definitely should be! In interviews experts often provide the most valuable nuggets of their knowledge in a very concise form. You need to study dozens of other blog posts to learn as much. Moreover experts often tend to focus on one aspect a time when they write something themselves, even when compiling a list like this. On the other hand interviews focus on several key questions an expert wouldn’t even attempt to cover in one blog post or seminar. Also it’s quite difficult to determine who’s a real expert and who is not in the SEO industry and even more in social media marketing.

When someone gets interviewed s/he’s either popular or an expert or both. Some true experts hide behind an invisible persona as an inhouse SEO and/or social media expert. How to find social media influencers – Twitter Influencer – Influential Blogger | By Hugo on August 5, 2010 In response to readers that have asked me to elaborate on the idea of social media influencers and how to find them, I figured I would offer up a simple how-to post on the subject. Note: There a likely dozens of other techniques that can be used, but this one works pretty well in my experience.

Before you can learn how identify social media influencers, you have to actually define what they are. Here’s a layman’s definition: An individual or web entity that has a strong following and/or readership within one or more social media channels. Still a bit unsure? Now that’s a lot of followers. Clearly, this is an extreme example of one of those upper echelon influencers I made mention of in the past, but you get the idea. Now I know what some of you are saying. Don’t worry. Figure out what your market niche is and what keyword phrases are associated with it.

P.S. Mobile Social Strategy With Platforms You Already Know. You actually don’t have to be a mobile expert to do mobile marketing. Believe it or not, you actually don’t even need mobile-specific technology to do mobile marketing. You just need to be creative and use existing mobile platforms—especially social networks—to distribute your mobile marketing message. One of the coolest things about mobile social networking is the open nature of the networks themselves. Most of the social networks that have a mobile component use APIs to pull in vital information from other profiles and push out updates across multiple networks (like pulling your Tweets into Facebook, or adding all your Twitter friends to FourSqure).

This means users don’t have to create full social profiles to interact across a wide variety of social networks, and if they are “mobile” it means less typing with their thumbs. It also means one update can reach a variety of friends on a variety of social networks very quickly and easily. Obligatory statistics Lo-So: Be there or be square. Keeping your company image safe on social media. By Joan Goodchild August 2, 2010 01:35 PM ET CSO - The umbrella of security responsibilities now includes brand protection at many companies (See Brand protection: The expanding CSO portfolio for an in-depth look) and it seems like a constantly moving target. When the internet took off, organizations had to contend with scammers registering web site domains using company names for fraudulent purposes.

Now similar activity is happening on the hottest forum for brand abuse--social networks. Terry Gudaitis, Director Cyber Intelligence for brand protection services firm Cyveillance, lays out some common fraud scenarios and gives advice on how to protect your organization's good name. CSOonline: Cybersquatting, or fraudulently registering a web site using an organization's name has been a big concern in brand abuse in recent years. Terry Gudaiti, Cyveillance: Where we have seen the increase in abuse is in social media sites. What kinds of brand abuse occur on social networks? Why the increase? The Anatomy Of A Great Social Media Landing Page. Social media strategies have become a boon to search marketers. Social media builds backlinks from authoritative sites, creates a stream of keyword-rich content and drives direct traffic to key pages.

While the “media” part of social media is almost completely free; the “social” part is quite expensive. The “social” part of social media requires generating a steady menu of content and participating in the conversations generated around that content. “Social” media isn’t cheap, but the things we do to generate great search engine results—creating content, encouraging conversations—are exactly the things that boost conversion rates and drive sales. Increasing conversion rates around social media requires that we change our tactics.

A different kind of conversion For most of us, there is one kind of conversion. In the realm of social media, a conversion can be quite different. He starts with a small number of individuals who have purchased our products or services. Conversion to user.

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