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Hacking the Moodle 2.0 database transfer script to convert a Moodle 1.9 site. Moodle 2.0 has a database transfer script that will copy the whole of your Moodle database to another server, even doing conversions like MySQL to PostgreSQL.

Hacking the Moodle 2.0 database transfer script to convert a Moodle 1.9 site

Very nice, but what if you want to convert a Moodle 1.9 database without upgrading? The following instructions tell you how. Warning, this is a very quick and dirty hack, no guarantees. Make sure you have a backup of everything first. Even better, take a copy of your real system, and do the transfer on the copy. Windows 2000 Server migration to Linux. Migrating from Windows VM to Linux VM. Hi I can't say much about the VM part.

Migrating from Windows VM to Linux VM

Moodle+LAMP will definitely run, no idea how it'll perform. There were couple of discussions in this forum, see for example On "Red Hat, Ubuntu, Solaris", they can't really be put side-by-side since Red Hat and Ubuntu are both Linux. You have to count the diffenet Unixes, like Linux, Solaris, *BSD, HP-UX, etc. Migration. There may be times when you need to move your Moodle site from one server to another.


For example, moving a Moodle site from shared hosting service's server to a dedicated server. Tip: One common migration mistake is to forget to update the details in the migrated Moodle's config.php file. Migrating a complete Moodle site - method 1 This involves moving a whole site from one server to another.