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China Biz Lawyers offers all the significant legal information to do business in China including info on OEM, NNN contract and trademark registration in China.


Amendment of China's Patent Law Explained by the Lawyers. China Business Lawyers: It’s Time to Push China Trademark Registration Process. As China is quickly emerging one of the top-destinations for lucrative business prospects, companies from all over the globe want to start a business over here and apply for China trademark registration.

China Business Lawyers: It’s Time to Push China Trademark Registration Process

However, the down is, as foreign companies shared their expertise and know-how with the Chinese manufacturing houses, numerous manufacturing contractors started to produce counterfeit products of their clients and when the company (the original one) finds about the entire matter, it is already too late. Trademark registration in China is the best possible way to protect brand name, fame, and identity. There are many trademark registration phases in China. The filing of a trademark application begins a legal proceeding having many legal requirements and strict time deadlines.

Why Patent Protection in China is Stronger than Once Believed. Patents secure exclusive rights to an invention, and thereby offer insight into key areas of innovation.

Why Patent Protection in China is Stronger than Once Believed

Internationally, patent applications have steadily increased year on year. It is worth noting that the total number of patent applications in China in all sectors has dramatically increased over the past decade. In the view of the prominent China patent lawyers, China patent office has processed more patents than any other country in the world. China’s patent applications last year reportedly mainly concerned electronic devices, and computing and digital telecommunications technology. Overall, IP filings have increased by 5.8 percent on the previous year, representing the eighth consecutive yearly increase. The Real Value of the US-China Phase One Trade Agreement. Business experts are of the opinion that the continuous trade conflict between the US and China can accelerate risks to the global economy by stunting supply chains, discouraging investment and slowing down business confidence.

The Real Value of the US-China Phase One Trade Agreement

The US and Chinese officials have reached phase one deal to defuse a 16-month trade war. Top trade negotiators for both countries also spoke again and agreed to continue working on the remaining issues. China is insisting that U.S. tariffs be rolled back as part of any “phase one” trade deal. Some experts said the next date to watch is Dec. 15, when tariffs on about $156 billion in Chinese goods are set to take effect, including holiday gift items such as electronics and Christmas decorations.

“If talks are really going well, that hike will be suspended,” said Christian Whiton, a senior fellow for strategy and trade at the Center for the National Interest, and a former Trump and George W. In a 4 Effective Ways Safeguard your Confidential Data in China. China is a nation that poses a grave risk to your data if you decided to visit this country.

In a 4 Effective Ways Safeguard your Confidential Data in China

These attacks commonly target smartphones, laptops, iPads and any other portable handheld device that stores valuable personal data. To complicate matters further, US law enforcement officials frequently issue warnings regarding China’s espionage efforts, targeted at businesses and universities. Safeguarding confidential data is one of the fundamental issues while traveling to China. Here we are revealing the best ways to keep your digital data safe when traveling to China. Assessing the Risk of Doing Business in China using Offshore Companies.

China has historically been one of the world’s leading powers and today, China’s economy is best known for its manufacturing sector.

Assessing the Risk of Doing Business in China using Offshore Companies

As the number of foreign enterprises investing in China and doing business with Chinese partners has increased so has the number of legal disputes. Earlier, foreign companies prefer to conduct business in China with the help of offshore entities. There are many reasons behind this approach. The most important one is the corporate law of offshore jurisdictions is often very flexible. For instance, setting up a company in Hong Kong is well regulated and very quick. How you can Quickly Resolve China IP & Patent Issues. The most confusing question for most of the foreign business owners are- whether they should focus on their China IP & Patent registrations or they should give more priority to their China manufacturing contracts.

How you can Quickly Resolve China IP & Patent Issues

Foreign companies need to keep in mind that when it comes to protect China IP, there is no one size fits all strategy. You need to figure out plans according to the situation. If you are concerned about counterfeit goods coming from China, your next step should be to register your trademark with Chinese Customs.

This is not a legal requirement, but a practical one. Having a China trademark will offer you the peace of mind that, products identical to yours will be removed from the prominent e-commerce websites like Alibaba, DHgate and Amazon. Patent lawsuits in China are less time-consuming and less costly than in the U.S. How China OEM Agreement Safeguards your Business Interest? There are many complex issues inherent in overseas manufacturing.

How China OEM Agreement Safeguards your Business Interest?

Having a well defined manufacturing agreement can greatly mitigate these issues. Answers of the Tricky Questions on China Trademark Registration. We all know that registering trademark in China is the most important part of doing business over there.

Answers of the Tricky Questions on China Trademark Registration

But the trademark related issues are very complex and first-hand understanding is needed to resolve any sort of trademark and patent issues. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the tricky questions on China trademark registration. What is a three-dimensional trademark? Explaining Valuable Components of China WFOE. The Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise (WFOE or WOFE) is a Limited liability company wholly owned by the foreign investor(s).

Explaining Valuable Components of China WFOE

In China, WFOEs were originally conceived for encouraged manufacturing activities that were either export orientated or introduced advanced technology. However, with China’s entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), these conditions were gradually changed. WFOE business entities in China are increasingly shifting more to consulting and management services, software development, and trading. The Concept of WFOE in China Primarily, the WFOE concept was developed in order to enhance manufacturing activities that are either trade-oriented or presented cutting-edge technology.

The main reasons to set up a WFOE are– Profit-oriented business activitiesAddress human resources independentlyExpand to create subsidiaries.

China Lawyers

Thinking of Recruiting Employees in China? Explore the Basic Points. The most common problem foreign companies face is that the Chinese government does not allow the Chinese companies to send money to the foreign clients they owe.

Thinking of Recruiting Employees in China? Explore the Basic Points

As the Chinese government made it really hard to get the money out of the country, it has become really problematic for the foreign companies to get the money they owe. The ideal solution is to get complete knowledge about the China deal and act according to the category of transaction. As more and more companies are considering entering into the Chinese market, employment law becomes more relevant internationally. Companies, both domestic and international companies operating in China need to strictly maintain employment law. There are a set of rules that every employer in China has to abide by while considering the recruitment of local Chinese or foreign employees.

There are so many key provisions China lawyers suggest companies to keep in their employment contract, such as: Working PermitEmployment LicenseResidence Permit. Why Going for China Employment Contracts is the Right Strategy. China has the second largest economy and one of the strongest consumer markets globally. No wonder, big companies and entrepreneurs all across the world consider China as a potential location for startups and business expansion. However, foreign companies find that this is not a simple task, particularly due to the existing China employment law.

Employment law in China offers comprehensive and rigid rules. From hiring employees to termination, Chinese employment law covers everything and the notable thing is there is no room to improvise anything to the employment relationship. Why US businesses Need to Address Chinese Cyber Threat Issues Quickly: chinabizlawyers — LiveJournal. Policymakers in the United States and Europe often portray China as posing a serious cybersecurity threat.

Banning of China’s Huawei Technologies Co Ltd, the world’s biggest telecommunications equipment maker by the US government is the sign of the escalating war between Washington and Beijing. Cybercriminals utilize both static and dynamic methods to commit their crimes. According to the Council on Foreign Relations, after a three-year hiatus, the cyber-enabled theft of intellectual property by Chinese hackers is once again a point of contention in the U.S. China Ends Cosmetic Animal Testing From 1st of January 2020. Currently, the Chinese government requires tests on animals for all imported cosmetics and any special use cosmetics, regardless of where they were manufactured. New regulations drafted by China’s National Medical Product Administration, if passed, will ban gruesome animal tests—sparing thousands of animals.

The new legislation is slated to take effect on 1st of January, 2020. In the past, China’s post-market process involved mandatory tests on animals, as well as the pre-market animal tests required of all cosmetics before they hit the market. With these new changes, that second step of animal testing is removed, although pre-market regulations remain unchanged. The Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS) has announced that the Chinese government has approved nine non-animal based methods, with the new legislation coming into play in 2020.

A Realistic Assessment of Transferring IP to China. The protection of IP in China is the biggest challenge for foreign businesses. As China works to continue to evolve its economy and become more innovative, Beijing has reshaped its IP laws. Under the 13th Five Year Plan for the Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property, the Chinese government has been actively enforcing patent law. Main objectives of the plan include: to promote IP creation and utilization; to strengthen IP protection and management; and to expand international IP cooperation. How a Foreign Firm can Hire Employees in China with Ease. Hiring employees in China can be extremely complex for overseas firms. Language barriers and cultural differences make hiring difficult.

Assessing the Effect of China's Cyber Security Law. Based on the Cybersecurity Law adopted on 2016, Chinese government has come up with a comprehensive Internet security/surveillance program. The surveillance program might create a whole host of challenges. Beijing can utilize the cybersecurity standards to pressure companies to undergo invasive product reviews where sensitive intellectual property (IP) and source code though not explicitly written but may be required as part of verification and testing.

Environment Protection Law in China & Compliance Requirements. Manufacturing sector pollution is big news in China and is attracting the government’s attention now like never before. Want to Sell your Products to Chinese Consumers? You are Just 3 Steps Away. Protect your IP Rights in China as Soon as Practically Possible. IP, or Intellectual Property, refers to the inventions and creations of a business. It encompasses patents, copyrights and trademarks. Key Developments in China's New Legal Reforms. In January 2019, Chinese government has reframed its legal structure and brought in several changes. Valuable Points of China Part-Time Employment Contract.

Considering the difficulties of Chinese labor laws and high employer liabilities, a company should take special care while drafting a part-time employment contract in China. From hiring to termination to compensation, the employment law of the People Republic of China covers every aspect of employment and there is no room to enforce new mechanism in addition to these statutory mechanisms. According to China’s Labor Contract Law, professionals working no more than 4 hours daily, 24 hours weekly for the same employer are considered part-time staff. This applies to: Seasonal JobsTemporary JobsOnline Jobs. Valuable Points of China Part-Time Employment Contract.

3 Compliance Issues Foreign Companies Must Maintain in China. A considerable number of US companies are getting worried about the prospect in the Chinese market because of the tariff war between Washington and Beijing. Most of them are concerned that the Chinese authorities may come up harder on them and this may harm their China production. The US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said “the reason why we put on tariffs is for the last two and a half years, we’ve been working with China to rebalance the trading relationship and it hasn’t rebalanced.

Gameplan for Assessing the Risk of Doing Business in China. Explaining the Impact of China's Social Credit System (SCS) on Foreign Companies. The US-China Trade War & Where it will Lead the World's Economy. Why Switching to OEM Contract in China? What Should be your Suing Strategy Against a Chinese Company. How New-Age Technologies are Transforming Chinese Law Firms. How US importer can Maintain Custom Compliance of their Foreign Goods. Is it a Good Decision to Register Trademark in Hong Kong? Arbitration of Chinese Contracts in Hong Kong. Decoding the Term Attorney-Client Privilege in China. Manufacturing Agreements you Need While Producing Goods in China. Why Foreign Businesses should Review their China Compliance Policies. Prospects of Shifting Manufacturing Units Out of China. Analyzing the Federal Arbitration Act of the United States. Optimum Utilization of Resources with China Joint Venture.

The Growing Threat of Chinese Cyber Intrusion. An Overview of China’s IoT Patent & Product... - ChinaBizLawyers. Preventive Measures to Safeguard IP in China. What should be your Market-Entry Strategy for China. China Business Lawyers: Outstanding Legal Services offered by the China Commercial Lawyers. Strategic Advantages of Registering Trademark in China. Amendment of the China Patent Law & It's Significance.

Why it Makes Sense to Hire PRC Lawyer. Award Winning Chinese Commercial Law Firm. Want to Frame an OEM Agreement in China? Know the Checklist. 3 Vital Elements of NNN Contract. The Less-Known Facts About China's Cryptocurrency Law. 3 Reasons Why Foreign Firms Don't Need to Shut Down China Operations. China Business Lawyers: Decoding the O2O Business Model. Latest Updates on China's 5G Spectrum Allocations. Child labor Laws of China Foreign Companies Must Take Note Of. The Types of Patent you can Apply in China. Options of Diversifying your Business Away from China. Impact of China's New IIT Law on Foreign Nationals. What Makes China a Perfect Place for Doing Business.

Know the Opinion of Expert Lawyers on China Job Offer Letter. How Foreign Invested Enterprises will get Benefitted by the New SPC Interpretations. Why Product Development Agreement is a Vital Cog of your China Business. Significance of Petitions on Imports of Chinese Ceramic Tiles. Tips on Setting Up a Successful Business Venture in China. How China Patent Lawyers Help you Protect your Invention. The Promising Aspects of China's New Foreign Investment Law. Why your Company Needs Tech Lawyers in China. Important Business Contracts Exist in China - ChinaBizLawyers. Facts you Must Know Before Conducting China trademark Search. How Chinese Lawyers Add Incredible Value to your Business – China Biz Lawyers.

Why ICP Certification is a Valuable Business Aspect in China. Procedural Mechanism of Patent Prosecution Highway. China Business Lawyers: Key Advantages of Hiring Licensed China Patent Lawyer. Canton Fair 2019- A Corridor of Infinite Business Possibilities. Why Huawei is the Top-Player in the 5G Wireless Networks & Patenting. Ways to Find a Trusted Chinese Law Firm for your Business. Word Mark Registration- the Strongest Form of Brand Protection in China: chinabizlawyers. Amendment of the China Patent Law & It's Significance. How you can Speed Up the Process of China... - ChinaBizLawyers. How the Registration of Word Mark in China Provides Broader Rights. Assessment of Essays With the AI-Powered Automated Grading. Numerous Ways to Transfer Money Out of China Legally. What is 144-Hour Visa-Free Transit Policy of China.

Why Chinese Government is Placing Great Importance to IP protection - News - BCW. Asia'a Top Countries for Doing Business. What Foreign Businesses Should Know About CICC by chinabizlawyers on DeviantArt. Check The China Lawyers Credentials to Avoid Fake Law Firms. Why Hiring a China Commercial Law Firm is Crucial for your Business. Minimize your IP Risk with China Trademark & Patent Law Office. Finding Chinese Speaking Lawyer is Not Difficult... - ChinaBizLawyers.

Act Wisely While Terminating a Female Employee in China. Why Businesses Should Opt for Manufacturing Contract. Investment Scope in China’s Real Estate Arena. China Business Lawyers: Importance of Hiring Experienced China Lawyer for your Business. Economic Aspects Chinese Policymakers Must Solve Now. The Steady Growth of China-Mexico Trade Relations. Know the Basics of Registering Trademark in China - ChinaBizLawyers.

How China’s New Negative List Will Encourage More WFOE Formation – China Biz Lawyers.