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Chimp&z Inc

We are a full-fledged digital marketing agency, based in Mumbai with a branch in Delhi and representations in Dubai. As a 4 year old agency, our main aim is to create stories that ‘WOW’ the world. In our scope of work, we provide the following – · Digital Strategy and Planning · Digital Marketing · Ideas and Storyscaping · Brand Experience · User research and insights · Content Marketing Strategy

Step-By-Step Guide For Successful Mobile App Marketing in 2019. The number of mobile applications available on the world’s leading App stores totals to more than four million to date.

Step-By-Step Guide For Successful Mobile App Marketing in 2019

The multitude of options available to a user to choose from increases every day. Mobile App creators know that a diligent and targeted app marketing strategy is crucial to make a niche in the app market. If you cannot sell your product to potential users, all the efforts put into developing and building a spot-on app is practically worthless. No matter how flawless your creation is, users need to know your presence in the market. Marketing a mobile app involves an intrinsic process divided into three major phases.

Phase I: The Pre-launch The pre-launch or awareness stage starts before the app is put out in the market. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 10 Ways To Grow Your YouTube Channel Organically - Chimp&z Blog. Video content rules the digital world and YouTube is the ‘go-to’ platform for content marketing.

10 Ways To Grow Your YouTube Channel Organically - Chimp&z Blog

It has evolved into the only ‘search engine’ for videos with videos available on every possible topic under the sun. When your content has a good reach on YouTube, it’s a general belief that you have already made your way up the success ladder. If you look the other way around, all successful brands will eventually have to resort to this platform with its increasing reach. Tips For Using Google Ads Effectively for Local Business Success.

You cannot deny the fact that Google Ads have benefitted local businesses.

Tips For Using Google Ads Effectively for Local Business Success

With ever-advancing technology and changing demands, Google Ads Campaign Strategy needs to be evolved. Quick Guide For Successful Social Media Strategy. Brands need to keep up with industry standards, make themselves visible and be everything its customers perceive them to be.

Quick Guide For Successful Social Media Strategy

The only solution is to employ a medium that allows to multitask. ‘Social Media Marketing’ is the doorway to enter a dynamic and demanding market. Social media has the capability to make and break a brand. Your presence on this platform has to be strategized and optimized so that the returns on your investment in building a social media presence are profitable and not completely unrewarding. Basically, a brand’s social media marketing strategy should be designed in such a manner that it gives the consumer base what they expect without compromising on its image and niche.

Here’s how you can build a successful Social Media Strategy: 1. Why Instagram is Best For Influencer Marketing. Advertising has crept into every aspect of our lives.

Why Instagram is Best For Influencer Marketing

The amount of advertorial content we are exposed to in recent times is insane. It has become important for brands and digital marketing agencies to push creativity to the extreme in order to outdo their competitors, find a niche and convince the masses to opt for their product over others. People do not like to be preached or told about what they are supposed to do. Thus, the approach of advertising must be appealing and subtle. This is how Influencer marketing on Instagram has gained momentum.

What is Influencer Marketing? Chimp&z Inc bags My Shopping Box's digital mandate. Chimp&z Inc, a 360-degree creative agency won the full mandate of a Philippine-based company ⁠— My Shopping Box.

Chimp&z Inc bags My Shopping Box's digital mandate

A newly-launched online shipping firm dedicated to delivering great shopping experience to India from the US and Europe. My Shopping Box operates with a promise to make online shipping convenient while presenting a catalogue of products to Indian customers. How To Find Blog Topics That Improve SEO. By Sandesh K.

How To Find Blog Topics That Improve SEO

SEO Manager Well, let us start this by looking at the irony of this article. Whoever thought there would be a blog on how to pick the right blog topics, it's like attending a seminar on how to conduct a seminar and so on, the possibilities for this are endless. But it is clearly the 21st century and here we are, reading a blog on how to find blog topics that would improve your SEO. It is the age of the internet, and it would be unfair if you typed in a keyword and there were no answers for it. However, this is more important than most of us consider it to be. Keywords The most basic, yet one of the most integral ones in the process of deciding which blog topic must be your next one. Inspiration from competitors If you have competitors for your brand, that's excellent.

Importance of Digital Marketing Services for the Growth of Your Business. The world has seen a paradigm shift from analogue to digital, people have moved on from figuring out technology to being tech-savvy!

Importance of Digital Marketing Services for the Growth of Your Business

So, how can you take your business to the next level and improve the way you treat your business? Trends keep changing and evolving from time to time, let it be a small or big company, everyone is doing whatever they can to be fresh in their customer's minds. App Marketing Strategy's Role in The Overnight Success of FaceApp. Strengthen Your Brand With Influencer Marketing - Chimp&z Blog. Chimp&z Inc retains the spartan poker’s digital mandate third year in a row. MUMBAI: Chimp&z Worldwide LLP announces its retainer hat-trick by one of the leading online poker gaming portals in India, SpartanPoker.Com!

Chimp&z Inc retains the spartan poker’s digital mandate third year in a row

As per the new mandate, the Mumbai office of Chimp&z Inc will continue their digital and content duties for the brand and will also be working on the upcoming IPC (Indian Poker Championship) campaign during the month of September, this year. In the past years, Chimp&z Inc has been a crucial part of the brand’s social campaigns, especially for the Indian Online Poker Championship and other major tournaments. The agency also handles the brand’s day to day content. Of the announcement, Lavinn Rajpal, Co-founder & COO, Chimp&z Inc said, “Spartan-Chimp&z Inc partnership goes a long way.

Chimp&z Inc Bags Redstone Group’s 360° Marketing Mandate. Chimp&z Inc, the multifaceted creative agency headquartered in Mumbai, has bagged the integrated mandate which includes creative and digital for the Red Stone Group, a leading name in the upper end of Mumbai's highly discerning real estate and construction industry.

Chimp&z Inc Bags Redstone Group’s 360° Marketing Mandate

The agency will be responsible for handling the brand’s 360° marketing solutions, ranging from mainline to digital and will cover creative strategy & media planning, SEO, managing social channels, website, digital creatives, media spends & performance marketing. Established in 1985, the Red Stone Group has a three-decade strong experience in property development - Housing/Commercial & Hospitality. “We are happy to have Chimp&z Inc as our integrated communications and marketing agency. Being customer-oriented, they have developed a keen eye for consumer behavior and market insights. Chimp&z Inc Bags Digital And Creative Mandate For Red Stone Group.

The agency's Mumbai office will manage both offline and online marketing duties for the real estate development company. Chimp&z Inc, the creative agency headquartered in Mumbai, has bagged the integrated digital and creative mandate for Red Stone Group, a real estate and construction firm. The agency will be responsible for handling the brand's 360 degrees marketing solutions ranging from mainline to digital and will cover creative strategy & media planning, SEO, managing social channels, website, digital creatives, media spends & performance marketing.

How to Improve Your Website Speed. Chimp&z Inc: Dineout Case Study #CelebrateAnything. Importance of Timelines in Creative Agency. The Great Wall of China, Taj Mahal or the Great Pyramid of Giza, all these wonders of the world always make us stop and think. One can never imagine the completion of these humongous projects without better team management. Now, if you’re a client and want your creative to make people wonder and applause for its idea and execution, then you need to understand that good work takes time.

And, with your “it’s urgent”, “need the creative ASAP” mail, you do nothing but lay the foundation to a compromised work. How To Make SEO-Friendly Landing Page For Your Website. Ecommerce Website Design Services in Mumbai, Gurgaon & Delhi. Chimp&z Inc - Avon Case Study #PayAttention. Amway Case Study - Chimp&z Inc. How Voice Search and Voice Commands are Going to Change Advertising. When Google started its experimental voice search service in 2001, everyone was skeptical about its future. But, as of today, it has become a way of life. From finding a restaurant nearby to ordering a toy online, people have started realizing the power of their voice. And, sooner rather than later, voice search will overtake the traditional way of searching for things online as comScore predicts that 50% searches will be voice searches by 2020.

So, who needs to be credited for this unprecedented growth of voice search? Smartphones, smart TVs, smart speakers and a whole bunch of voice-enable connected devices. Currently, voice search is dominated by the four internet giants of the world, i.e. In 2017, some Android users and Google Homeowners reported that their devices were playing ‘Beauty and the Beast’ promos when they inquired about their day.

When we talk about voice searches on web search engines, voice ads are yet to come up. Digital Video Content Creation Services in Mumbai, Gurgaon, Delhi. Media Planning & Buying Agency in Mumbai, Gurgaon and Dubai.