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Childventures Early Learning Academy,

How to Manage Your Child’s Bedtime. As infants grow into toddlers and soon become preschoolers, they quickly grow more independent.

How to Manage Your Child’s Bedtime

Some of their newfound independence is fantastic! It’s heart-warming to see young toddlers make their own decisions, help pack their own backpacks, or even help set the table for dinner. On the other hand, some of their independence can seem overwhelming. One such example is when your young child begins choosing their own bedtime – and their choice never seems to be to go to bed early. For starters, the younger a child, the more sleep they require.

Other times, independence in young children means learning when they have control and often becoming stressed when they learn they do not have control. Top 5 Benefits of Learning Through Play for Children. Embed Code For hosted site: Click the code to copy <div class='visually_embed'><img class='visually_embed_infographic' src=' alt='The Benefits of Learning Through Play for Children ' /><div class='visually_embed_cycle'></div><script type='text/javascript' src=' class='visually_embed_script' id='visually_embed_script_1827520'></script><p> From <a href=' For

Top 5 Benefits of Learning Through Play for Children

6 Tips to Get Your Kids to Sleep. How to Stimulate Your Child’s Natural Curiosity. Your child is a little explorer, setting on their path to discover everything about their world.

How to Stimulate Your Child’s Natural Curiosity

It’s fascinating to see their excitement and joy at things at every new sight, sound, or object they just happen to stumble across. How do you nourish this curiosity and keep them asking the important questions – like, “why does this thing work?” So how do you encourage this curiosity to follow them throughout their lives? Read Books Reading is one of the easiest ways to explore the vast expanses of lands unknown without ever leaving the room. 5 Simple Ways to Overcome Your Child's Fears. 9 Ways To Promote Baby Development. From birth to 12 months, your child is learning and developing more and more each and every month. This first year of an infant’s life is a wonderful time to set the building blocks to a lifetime of exceptional growth and development.

There are ways to be continually involved in your child’s development throughout their life; and the first year is the time where you can really take steps to help your child learn. There is a lot of information available regarding raising your infant, which can be overwhelming. 5 Activities to Develop Motor Skills in Your Toddler. 7 Things You Should Never Say to Your Kids. The Rights of the Child: What Are Children’s Rights? As a parent, we naturally want our children to have the best experiences and advantages available.

The Rights of the Child: What Are Children’s Rights?

The things we inherently focus on for our children include: the proper childcare for growth and development, a healthy nutrition program, and a well-balanced approach to cultivating social relationships with each other. While some children have access to every advantage in the world, there are others that are unfortunately denied basic humanrights, which most of us are lucky to not even have to focus on to attain.

In order to address the inequality that some children face, two documents were created to outline and protect the human rights of all children: The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of The Child, and The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of The Child The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. 9 Fun Indoor Activities for Your Toddler. Grow Your Green Thumb: Gardening With Your Child. One of the most creative ways you can foster your child’s love of nature and develop a sense of responsibility is by growing a garden together.

Grow Your Green Thumb: Gardening With Your Child

Spring is the perfect time to take on this challenge. Even if you do not have a spacious backyard or even a backyard at all, you can still create a little garden of your own. Here are some tips to get your garden growing! Research, Research, Research! Why Should Your Child Play with Dolls? The Benefits of Reading to Kids. The significance of reading to kids cannot be stressed enough, and it has to be a high priority for both parents and teachers.

The Benefits of Reading to Kids

How to Develop Good Sleep Habits in Your Child. There is no denying the fact that good sleeping habits are really important for children.

How to Develop Good Sleep Habits in Your Child

But, children are inherently playful by nature and getting them to bed on time is not an easy job. Here’s to hoping these tips will help parents.Start by getting them on a bedtime scheduleThe regular bedtime routine is very important in developing good sleeping habits in a child. Make sure that your child goes to bed and wakes up at the same time every day. Setting the routine will get him/her to feel ready to go to bed.Get them relaxed before their bedtimeEach child will get relaxed in their own way. So, your older children might unwind with a book or some gentle music. 17 Questions to Ask a Potential Daycare Provider. 5 Best Bedtime Books to Help Your Child Sleep. Bedtime can be one of the most challenging parts of the day in getting your child to wind down.

5 Best Bedtime Books to Help Your Child Sleep

One soothing activity to help prepare them for bed is reading together. This is beneficial from both a learning standpoint, and quieting the mind for bed. Here are few fantastic book choices to bedtime reading! Goodnight Moon This book is a classic! Everything You Need to Know About Core Knowledge. Childventures is proud to provide a unique learning experience for your child, including a unique curriculum model.

Everything You Need to Know About Core Knowledge

Blended from three complementary teaching models, Childventures combines elements from each method of learning to create a well-balanced educational program that facilitates early learning, and brain development in your child. The blended curriculum is comprised of the Montessori Method, the High Scope Model, and the Core Knowledge Model. Each teaching model contributes to a specific style of learning, and only works to strengthen the curriculum. Let’s take a closer look at how the Core Knowledge Model contributes to the blended curriculum at Childventures. How to Prepare Your Child for a Doctor’s Office Visit? Embed Code For hosted site: Click the code to copy.

How to Prepare Your Child for a Doctor’s Office Visit?

13 Tips to Reduce Stress and Anxieties in Children. Embed Code For hosted site: Click the code to copy <div class='visually_embed'><img class='visually_embed_infographic' src=' alt='How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety in Children? ' /><div class='visually_embed_cycle'></div><script type='text/javascript' src=' class='visually_embed_script' id='visually_embed_script_1578654'></script><p> From <a href=' What do Parents Look for When Choosing a Preschool. As a parent, you want nothing but the best for your child, and the choice of preschool should reflect the same thought. It is understandable how daunting it must feel to take such a major decision of your child’s life. Parents should look for the following qualities in a preschool to make sure they have chosen the right institute.

Get to know more about accreditations Any good preschool participates in the voluntary accreditation programs. It offers reassurance to the parents that they have chosen the right institution. How to Develop Good Sleep Habits in Your Child. There is no denying the fact that good sleeping habits are really important for children. But, children are inherently playful by nature and getting them to bed on time is not an easy job. Here’s to hoping these tips will help parents.Start by getting them on a bedtime scheduleThe regular bedtime routine is very important in developing good sleeping habits in a child. Make sure that your child goes to bed and wakes up at the same time every day. Setting the routine will get him/her to feel ready to go to bed.Get them relaxed before their bedtimeEach child will get relaxed in their own way. Building Essential Skills in Children. Building essential skills is a necessary part of every child’s learning, growth and development.

Beyond the practical educational subjects, Math, Music, Geography and Language, it is important for children to begin to create a catalogue of essential skills, which will encourage and eventually allow them to take the lead in their own learning. Built into the Childventures Curriculum are a number of core skills that help your child prepare for their future. Additionally, the Virtues Project integrates precious values into the curriculum to further ingrain the importance of learning essential skills and performing them, while bringing out your child’s fullest potential. Through both the curriculum and Virtues Project, we are able to outline the essential skills your child will build during their time at Childventures. Movement and Coordination Beginning in the infant program, Childventures incorporates movement into the curriculum.

5 Tips For Handling Bedtime. For most adults, going to bed is a time of relaxing, unwinding and putting your feet up at the end of a long day. The Benefits of Playing With Dolls. Dolls are some of the oldest toys that children have ever played with. Their earliest use was documented in Greece around 100 AD. There’s good reason for these toys to be so long lasting through human history. Benefits of Active Listening. Children love attention. 15 Best Tips for Better Parenting.

What are the Benefits of Early Childhood Education? 8 Self Care Tips for Busy Parents. Busy parents tend to put themselves last on their daily to-do list. Between running around to work and school and soccer games and dance recitals, it seems impossible to have time for yourself. Well this year, we’re challenging all the stressed and overworked parents out there to put themselves first and focus on these 8 simple self care tips specifically catering to a busy lifestyle. 1.

Childventures - Childcare and Early Learning Academy in Aurora. Simple Ways to Motivate Your Child Every Day. How Your Child Benefits from Quality Time with You? It is not always possible for parents to dedicate several hours a day to spend with their children, especially since there is a widespread culture suggesting that spending more time with children increases their chances of a bright future. However, a new study revealed that the amount of time that parents spend with children aged between 3 and 11 years has no impact on how they turn out. The impact on teens is minimal. How to Encourage Well Mannered Behaviour for Your Child While at School. While children are born with some innate abilities, being friendly, polite, and courteous are often taught behaviours. Children achieve these positive behaviours if they are aware of their actions and how they affect other people. Ways to Correct Bad Habits in Children. Tips to Motivate Your Child to Do Well in School.

Important Skills Your Child Needs for Kindergarten Readiness. Best Ways to Teach Your Child Respect. Best Qualities for an Early Childhood Educator. The reasons why individuals choose a certain profession can offer insight into the traits they need to perform their job well. In a recent survey of 43 early childhood educators, published in “Beyond the Journal: Young Children on the Web”, the researchers found that the vast majority of respondents wanted to become early childhood educators at a young age in order to make a difference in the lives of the children and ensure that they got all the opportunities and nurturing they deserved and needed. All participants also claimed that their profession was a good match for their personalities and life goals. 7 Tips When English is your Child’s Second Language. With so many families speaking multiple languages at home, parents are often concerned about their children having more difficulty learning English.

Tips for Teaching Your Child Table Manners. Why Play is Beneficial for Your Child’s Health? Play is considered an important exercise for the physical well-being and mental health of the child. What Are Some Common Signs of Controlling Parents? How to Teach Your Child About Self Control? Eight Ways To Boost Your Childs Development. Motor Skill Development Activities for Children. Five Conflict Resolution Tips To Teach Your Child. Best Tips For Helping Your Child Make Friends. How to Improve Your Child’s Behavior? Good Health Habits You Should Teach Your Child. How to Get Your Child to Take Medicine. Ways to Improve Your Parenting Skills. Tips to Build Confidence in Children. Best Ways to Handle Your Child’s Temper Tantrums.

How To Get Your Child To Love Writing. Must-See Family Holiday Themed Movies. Protecting Your Family Against Cold Season. How Specialty Rooms Fuel Your Child’s Curiosity. The Do’s and Don’ts of Snacking for Children. Moral And Spiritual Development with Our Virtues Project - Childventures. Childventures Nutrition Program: Healthy Food, Healthy Body, Healthy Mind. How to Care for a Sick Child. How to Help Your Child Express their Feelings? Montessori in the Toddler Classroom - Childventures. Is Your Child Ready for Grade 1? Top 7 Personality Development Tips for Children. The Biggest Challenges Faced by Parents Today. Benefits of Winter Break Camps for Children. Importance of Family Time For Your Kids. 7 Parenting Tips that New Parents Need to Know. Childventures Early Learning Academy: Virtues in Education. Preparing Children for The Cold Weather. What are the Advantages of Small Class Sizes in Preschool. How to Help Your Child Deal with School Stress. Halloween Safety Tips For Your Children.

A Day in The Life: A Kindergarten’s Day at Childventures. Best Preschool and Early Learning Academy in Canada – Childventures. Incorporating Technology in an Educational Environment. Family Fall Fun in The GTA. How to Help Your Child Maintain a Healthy Weight? How Nutrition Improves Learning in Children. 5 Outdoor Fall Activities for Children. 7 Indoor Activities to Do with Your Children This Winter.

Warning Signs of Stress in Children. How to Soothe a Crying Baby. A Day in The Life: A Preschooler’s Day at Childventures. Tips to Improve Your Child's Reading Skills. Childventures’ Before and After School Programs. Top Skills Needed to be a Day Care Teacher. The Importance of Family Time. What to Look for When Choosing a Child Care Centre. Nutritious Treats for Halloween. 6 Reasons Parents Should Stop Worrying. How to Help Your Child Overcome their Fear of Doctors.

8 Books Every Child Should Have on Their Bookshelf. Tips for Teaching Children to Cook. Fun Ways to Reuse the Things Your Children Have Outgrown. Infant Early Learning Program in Canada. Why Your Child Should Start Learning a New Language Now! Best Reasons to Choose Childventures Early Learning Academy for Your Child. The Best of 3 Great Models: The Childventures Curriculum.