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Is the Cinnamon Challenge Dangerous? ‹ Bittel Me This. Posted by Jason Bittel on 17 Apr 2012 / 3 Comments What is the Cinnamon Challenge? The Cinnamon Challenge is pretty simple. All you need is a tablespoon of ground cinnamon, a webcam and a total disregard for self-preservation. If you can eat the cinnamon without aid – no water, no applesauce – you win. But nobody wins. You can watch thousands of people on YouTube attempting to jump on this Spice Trade bandwagon – scroll on down if you can’t wait – but almost all of them end the same way: choking, gagging, vomiting and, in the good ones, spewing clouds of cinnamon smoke like you’re some kind of gingersnap dragon. Still, all the cool internet kids are doing it. Why is cinnamon so hard to swallow? If you’re trying to impress your friends and looking for secrets to swallowing cinnamon, the science is against you.

The spice that magically transforms dough and sugar into a sticky bun is actually ground up tree bark, which means we’re talking about a lot of water-resistant cellulose. A Peculiar Cause of Anaphylaxis: No More steak? Why Our Brains Love Junk Food. Real Simple. Belly Bytes. The World's Healthiest Foods. All Healthy Kids Snacks Recipes | Healthy Kids Snacks. Fast, Fun, Fresh Sushi & More Japanese Food | YO! Sushi Japanese Restaurants & Takeaway. Iron Rich Foods. Updated April 07, 2014 Fortunately, iron deficiency anemia isn't as big a problem as it once was. The use of vitamins, iron rich baby foods, and/or iron fortified baby foods have helped both breast feeding babies and babies who drink an iron fortified infant formula avoid becoming anemic from a lack of iron.

Iron deficiency is still a problem for some kids though, especially toddlers who are picky eaters and drink too much milk and not enough iron-rich foods. In general, your child should eat at least two or more iron-rich foods each day. Knowing which foods actually have iron in them can be confusing for parents though. Iron-Rich Foods Iron Rich Baby Foods At first, unless your baby was premature or is already anemic, your baby will usually get all of the iron she needs from breast milk or an iron-fortified infant formula.

Iron Fortified Foods In addition to foods that naturally have a lot of iron in them, many foods are now fortified with iron or have iron added to them. Sources: Most favorited last 7 days.