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Competitors. Research. The Colonel – lemon sorbet with vodka. Lemon sorbet is a classic – there is probably something archetypical about the delightful frozen fusion of sweet and sour.

The Colonel – lemon sorbet with vodka

And while preparing lemon sorbet should be a relatively easy task, it may still be a bit daunting. Because for many, lemon sorbet is for sorbets what vanilla is for ice creams – a standard-setting test case of overall quality. Mixologists share recipes to make adult freeze pops at home. This weekend's chemistry homework: Combine unknown proportions of water, ethanol and edible organic matter in a solution that can be frozen.

Mixologists share recipes to make adult freeze pops at home

But don't worry. When you solve this puzzler, the payoff will be a refreshing, slightly buzz-making ice pop that'll be just the thing to help you through a steamy Las Vegas summer. Alcohol-based ice pops have been a staple at Las Vegas pool parties, nightclubs and restaurants for several summers now. And while professional mixologists might use complex mixtures of ingredients and such high-tech freezing aids as liquid nitrogen in creating them, home mixologists can put together some pretty impressive treats using a few fresh, probably already-on-hand ingredients and their home freezer.