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Magazine. La chose est entendue ; les phénomènes d'innovation qui se sont manifestés par les modèles issus d'Internet depuis dix ans ont transformé radicalement les dynamiques de création et de transformation des marchés, et ce, de manière probablement irréversible.


Cette étape de notre histoire marque ainsi un avant et un après. Si le mouvement est apparu d'abord sur les secteurs des technologies et services en ligne, il semble influencer progressivement l'ensemble de l'activité sociale et économique. How To Find Inspiration In The Age Of Information Overload ⚙ Co. I recently came across a quote from spoken word poet Phil Kaye’s Repetition.

How To Find Inspiration In The Age Of Information Overload ⚙ Co

In it, he says: My mother taught me this trick, If you repeat something over and over again, it loses it’s meaning...Our existence, she said, is the same way. You watch the sunset too often, and it just becomes 6pm. You make the same mistake over and over, you’ll stop calling it a mistake. The Secrets of Storytelling: Why We Love a Good Yarn. When Brad Pitt tells Eric Bana in the 2004 film Troy that “there are no pacts between lions and men,” he is not reciting a clever line from the pen of a Hollywood screenwriter.

The Secrets of Storytelling: Why We Love a Good Yarn

He is speaking Achilles’ words in English as Homer wrote them in Greek more than 2,000 years ago in the Iliad. The tale of the Trojan War has captivated generations of audiences while evolving from its origins as an oral epic to written versions and, finally, to several film adaptations. By Making Storytelling Relevant Again, Social Media Has Forever Changed Marketing.

Many people will tell you that marketing is a game of numbers.

By Making Storytelling Relevant Again, Social Media Has Forever Changed Marketing

They’ll say it’s about researching a target audience, developing a targeted message, and using advanced statistics and metrics to determine where that message should be delivered. Of course there’s a significant amount of truth to that statement, but I don’t think it remains as true as it once was. Six Brands That Are Storytelling Machines. Popular Today in Business: All Popular Articles A few weeks ago, I posted an article with advice to help brands master storytelling.

Six Brands That Are Storytelling Machines

In my research, I came across many brands that tell their story in impressive and impactful ways. Many of these stories are best experienced firsthand rather than through my explanation so here is a look at six brands that rock at storytelling: Oreo: Oreo recently released a new Oreo Wonderfilled Commercial featuring a song by Owl City. Oreo did a spoof of The Three Little Pigs and other fairy tales and show how typical evil characters eat an Oreo. Find the Heart of Your Brand Storytelling with These 6 Questions. The Neuroscience of Your Brain on Fiction.

Cognitive Reappraisal: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger. Part of the resilience prescription is what we call cognitive reappraisal, and that involves looking at the trauma that you have unfortunately experienced and reframing it. You assimilate it into your life view and you move on. Create a Marketing Movement from the Inside Out.

Myself as a Commonwealth: Notes on the Science of Self. Stories from the streets with Gimbal. It’s a typical metropolitan scene; urbanites walking the streets, headphones plugged into their own personal soundtrack.

Stories from the streets with Gimbal

But what if, instead of nodding their heads to the beat, they were instead navigating the city via its -stories? This is the idea behind Gimbal, a new app devised by the Manchester-based Comma Press and Literature Across Frontiers (LAF). Combining LAF’s short story projects with Comma Press’s Reading the City anthologies, a wealth of fictitious tales from around the world – including Dubai, Riyadh and Baghdad – has been amassed and recorded.

Downloading Gimbal means you can see the city through the eyes of fictitious characters, take imaginary journeys through literature, or experience an alternative view of familiar streets. Is Play The Most Important Religious Component? Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun. —Alan Watts Yesterday the NY Times published an article about the importance of play in the evolutionary development of our species. Over the years I've read numerous essays and research confirming such. Play helps us problem-solve, binds us as social creatures and helps us develop critical thinking skills. The basic summation of David Dobbs' piece—focused on the work of psychology professor Dr. Artist Spends 50 Years Creating Massive Map Of Imaginary Cities.

In 1963, a man named Jerry Gretzinger began sketching and painting a map for a fictional world, populated by land masses and buildings that originated in his mind.

Artist Spends 50 Years Creating Massive Map Of Imaginary Cities

Every day he would add to the expanding map, crafting green spaces and neighborhoods that eventually grew into made-up cities like “Plaeides" and “Ukrainia.” Essentially, he was creating an analog version of SimCity. Étonnants-Voyageurs. Les auteurs 27 mars 2013.


France. Étonnants-Voyageurs. Les auteurs 26 février 2013.


Étonnants-Voyageurs. Étonnants-Voyageurs. Que peut la littérature, en cette période où un monde naît, dans le chaos et le tumulte ?


Le marketing de contenu inquiète les diplômés du secteur quant au futur de leur profession. Plus de 80% des jeunes européens interrogés par Publicis Groupe pensent que les médias sociaux et les agences de marketing numérique vont disparaître dans les dix prochaines années. Les diplômés actuels qui se lancent dans une carrière dans la publicité et le marketing ne se considèrent pas comme étant des «digital natives». Au lieu de cela, ils croient que c'est la génération ayant dix ans de moins qu’eux qui sera véritablement maître de médias numériques. C’est ce que révèle une étude menée par Publicis Groupe auprès de 2 000 étudiants en marketing, communication, publicité, relations publiques et événements. Ceci traduit une certaine inquiétude de ces futurs salariés, qui croient également que les agences de médias sociaux autonomes n'existeront plus dans 10 ans, après s’être fondus dans un paysage de la publicité, qui deviendra dominé par le marketing de contenu.

Why your brand should get creative now with visual content marketing. According to Toprank CEO Lee Odden’s recent SES London session, content marketing at its very minimum needs to include: brand leadership, customer empathy, storytelling and creativity. Here are three reasons why some of that creativity should be visual, regardless of your brand or industry. Dedicated Vine analytics tools Since Vine launched last month, we’ve been having a blast contemplating the ramifications for marketers as well as making our own Vines. Now a social analytics company called Simply Measured has released a tool that marketers can use to track how many people have seen their Vines.

With a nod in design to many of the social infographics you run across on the web these days, the dashboard shows the amount of posts/Vines you have made, and their performance. The continued rise of Instagram, Tumblr and Pinterest as massive engagement silos Interestingly, Curalate (another analytics tool) just announced the ability to track Instagram and Pinterest from the same dashboard. Ethnographic stories can help brands connect better with consumers. ET Bureau Jul 4, 2013, 04.00AM IST (Marketers around the world…) Find the Heart of Your Brand Storytelling with These 6 Questions.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 3 Great iPad Apps to Create Narrated Picture Stories. Creating picture stories can be a very effective activity in unleashing students creativity. There are now some great apps that students can use to create and narrate their stories on iPad. I have picked for you two of the most popular apps in this regard. related: Excellent iPad Apps to Create eBooks.