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The Brownie Project. Banana Bread & Banana Bread French Toast. Mmmm…banana bread!

Banana Bread & Banana Bread French Toast

My mother’s recipe for banana bread is hands-down, the best banana bread I have ever eaten. It is banana-y, moist, and fluffy. Peanut Butter and Jelly Bars. This is a recipe I got from my mom, but I'm not sure where she got it from.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Bars

It's simple: some stirring, spreading, mixer required. I've found myself seriously longing for simpler things lately. We've had three family deaths this summer, and we're beginning the process of clearing out a grandparents' home, so I've been a bit overcome with nostalgia and reminiscing lately. PB&J was never my top favorite sandwich as a kid, but these are good, and they capture that rich, salty/sweet soft and slightly squishy essence.