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Koha Online Catalog › Details for: Nomadic subjects :, embodiment and sexual difference in contemporary feminist theory / The origins of the gender binary? Reflections on Vigdis Songe-Moller’s Philosophy Without Women - Philobiblon. What’s the origin of the fundamental misogyny in Western thought? If we’re ever going to get rid of it – to, in the large-scale terms I’ve started to think recently – get rid of the gender binary, the insistence that everything be split in two opposing categories to which the negative is assigned the female – one of the things we certainly need to do is work out where it came from.

That’s the subject of Vigdis Songe-Moller’s Philosophy Without Women: The Birth of Sexism in Western Thought, translated from the Norwegian by Peter Cripps. That a publisher should have chosen to translate such a text suggests something pretty special, and while it ventures into aspects of philosophy to which I have limited exposure, I rather think that it is. Songe-Moller is conerned primarily with how Greek citizens (which means of course men), and particularly classical Athenian citizens, thought about women, and about reproduction, and relations between the sexes. Redemption Blues. Why the dearth of female philosophers? - philosophy gender. TPM: The Philosophers’ Magazine | Where are all the women?

Brooke Lewis finds perception matches reality when it comes to women in philosophy Rubens’s Four Philosophers. Four out of five philosophers at elite institutions are still male Only two out of every ten full-time permanent academic philosophers working in leading higher education institutions in the UK are female, research conducted by tpm suggests. Based on a survey of the full-time staff profiles of the 20 elite institutions which comprise the Russell Group of British universities, tpm has found that while around 32 percent of full-time academic staff in history departments and 39 percent in psychology departments are women, only 18 percent of such staff in philosophy departments are. A review of the top eight American philosophy departments, as ranked by Brian Leiter’s Philosophical Gourmet Report, suggests a similar picture in the United States, with only around 22 percent of full-time faculty female.

There is some evidence to support this theory. 213131e.pdf (application/pdf Object)