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Borg Queen

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Borg queen. Borg is a collective proper noun for a fictional alien race that appears as recurring antagonists in various incarnations of the Star Trek franchise. The Borg are a collection of species that have been turned into cybernetic organisms functioning as drones of the Collective, or the hive. A pseudo-race, dwelling in the Star Trek universe, the Borg force other species into their collective and connect them to "the hive mind"; the act is called assimilation and entails violence, abductions, and injections of microscopic machines called nanoprobes. The Borg's ultimate goal is "achieving perfection". In their introduction (TNG's "Q Who"), little information is given about the Borg, their origins or intentions. In nearly all their encounters, they exhibit no desire for negotiation or reason, only assimilation. TV Guide named them #4 in their 2013 list of The 60 Nastiest Villains of All Time.[1] A Borg prop on display at the Hollywood Entertainment Museum.

"We are the Borg. "We are the Borg. Star Trek Borg Queen. The enigmatic Borg Queen is the central locus of the Borg Collective. She brings order to the legions of voices within the Hive mind and provides a common direction — much like the queen of an insect colony. She resides primarily at Unimatrix One in the Delta Quadrant, but will often leave this home base to participate in assimilation efforts of a special nature.

The Borg Queen has a unique personality and a sense of individuality that normal Borg drones are not allowed. She is usually the one who "speaks" for the Collective in situations where contact with outsiders is best conducted by an individual. The Queen spends much of her time in her "lair" with her head and spinal column residing in a special alcove. Information on this being is still very limited. The earliest Federation data on the Borg Queen was collected by Magnus and Erin Hansen, two exo-biologists who spent several years studying the Borg in the 2350's aboard their science vessel, the U.S.S. Star Trek Dark Frontier, Part II. After being lured back to the hive during Voyager's mission to steal a transwarp coil, Seven of Nine is trapped on a Borg vessel.

The Borg Queen informs her that the Borg "allowed" Voyager to liberate her from the Collective, but she won't be turned back into a drone because they want to study her memories. With her individuality intact, the Borg can look through her eyes to help them assimilate humanity. Meanwhile, Janeway discovers that Borg signals were being sent to Seven in her cargo bay alcove. Determined to rescue Seven, Janeway leads an away team in the Delta Flyer to find the Borg sphere that took Seven away. They use the stolen coil to take the shuttle into transwarp space, and incorporate multi-adaptive shielding based on the Hansens' field notes from the U.S.S. As Seven is given her first assignment to assist in the assimilation of a species, she secretly helps four of the individuals escape.

Star Trek Secrets of the Borg Queen, The. Star Trek Borg Queen vessel. Star Trek Locutus. Caption: Locutus revealed During their mission to assimilate Earth, the Borg decided that a human voice was necessary to facilitate their introduction into human society. Captain Picard was chosen to be that voice. And that voice was dubbed Locutus of Borg. Despite Picard's insistence that he would resist the Borg with his last ounce of strength, that resistance proved futile and he was assimilated into the Borg Collective. He became one with the hive mind; he had the Borg's cybernetic devices implanted throughout his body. Locutus' distinctive Borg feature was a single, red-laser ocular implant. On Stardate 43997, Locutus lead the Borg into the battle of Wolf 359. The crew of the Enterprise-D eventually managed to sever Locutus from the Borg Collective, save Picard, and ultimately defeat the Borg.

Locutus plagued Picard yet again on Stardate 50893.5, when the moment Picard had been dreading for nearly six years had finally arrived: The Borg had begun a second invasion of the Federation. The Borg Queen's First Appearance. The Borg found a home. The Borg Collective - The Queen (Alice Krige interview) Star Trek Krige, Alice.