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Gangrule. Crime Map Beta. The 5 Creepiest Unsolved Crimes Nobody Can Explain. Dear Internet: We have to admit something -- we've been getting kinda cocky, recently.

The 5 Creepiest Unsolved Crimes Nobody Can Explain

Whether we're explaining the phenomenon of alien abduction, debunking every textbook ever or doing some third thing, we've been spending a lot of time acting like we have all the answers. And it's started to go to our heads. But that all changes now. If unsolved mysteries are good enough for Oscar-winning actor Matthew McConaughey, then by golly, they're good enough for us. So, in apology for our hubris, please enjoy this Cracked Classic, as well as these similar articles about unsolved mysteries and also that one article where we solved a bunch of mysteries no one else could 'cause we're so smart and dammit, we're doing it again.

Freedom Vaults : Guidelines for Saying No to Police Searches. One of the main powers that law enforcement officers carry is the power to intimidate citizens into voluntarily giving up their rights.

Freedom Vaults : Guidelines for Saying No to Police Searches

Police are trained to believe in their authority and trained to perform their interactions with private citizens with confidence. It is their job to deal with problems and they learn to manage uncomfortable situations through strength.