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McDonald's hamburger recipes. Best Foods for Balanced Diet. The sad truth: You can crunch yourself into a coma and still have ab flab. If you really want a sleek, sexy midriff, you've got to tweak your diet. All of the best waist-whittling foods contain fiber to banish bloat, antioxidants to boost your abs routine's effectiveness, and protein to help maintain a healthy metabolism. Here, the top 10 choices for flatter abs. 1. Almonds These delicious and versatile nuts contain filling protein and fiber, not to mention vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. Try for: An ounce a day (about 23 almonds), with approximately 160 calories. 2. You won't find a more perfect protein source. Try for: One egg a day, unless you have high blood cholesterol, in which case you should check with your doctor first. 3. Soybeans are a great source of antioxidants, fiber, and protein. Try for: Twenty-five grams of whole (not isolated) soy protein daily. 4. Try for: An apple (or two) a day. 5.

Most are loaded with fiber, every dieter's best friend. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Roasted Vegetable Pasta. Hot Grain Free Breakfast-A Substitute For Oatmeal. Why Grains Are Unhealthy. I find that grain bashing makes for a tasty, but ultimately unsatisfying meal. You all know how much I love doing it, though. But no matter how often I sit down to dine on the stuff (and I’ve done it with great gusto in the past), I always leave the table feeling like I left something behind. Like maybe I wasn’t harsh enough about the danger of gluten, or I failed to really convey just how much I hated lectins.

If I didn’t know better, I’d think the mere mention of grains was eliciting a crazy insulin-esque response and throwing my satiety hormones all out of whack. I was filling up on anti-grain talk, but I just couldn’t fill that void for long. Well, I’ve got the hunger today, and this time I aim to stuff myself to the point of perpetual sickness. I don’t ever want to have to look at another anti-grain argument again (yeah, right). So please, bear with me. “You need the fiber!” Okay, for one: no, I don’t. “You need the vitamins and minerals!” You got me. Toxic anti-nutrients? Why Can Some People Eat Anything They Want and Never Gain a Pound?

Welcome! If you want to lose weight, gain muscle, increase energy levels or just generally look and feel healthier you've come to the right place. Here's where to start: Visit the Start Here and Primal Blueprint 101 pages to learn more about the Primal Lifestyle. Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter to receive 10 eBooks, a 7-Day Course of Primal Fundamentals, and more - all for free.

Cut to the chase by visiting There you'll find books, support options, and the best supplements on the planet to help you take control of your health for life. Thanks for visiting! The following are both actual and paraphrased versions of questions I regularly get from readers: If grains are so bad how can you explain the leanness and good health of Clarence Bass?

How is it that this guy can eat 30 bananas a day and not gain weight, or this guy can eat nothing but potatoes for 60 days and lose 20 pounds? Why can my brother eat anything he wants and never gain a pound?