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Telescopic Text. MM- Symbaloo profile. Seesaw: A Space for Sharing, Community Building, Feedback, and Formative Assessment – Living in the Layers. For the last year, I have been wanting to try Seesaw, but the timing was not right until last week. Seesaw is a digital portfolio where students can “capture their learning” in any form. The Seesaw “Learn More” page says that Seesaw “empowers students to independently document what they are learning at school” and that students can can “show what they know” using PhotosVideosDrawingsTextPDFsLinks/URLs.Students can also import directly from most popular apps, like Google apps.

Seesaw provides a treasure trove of helpful videos on their YouTube channel; they also provide you helpful checklists for getting started once you sign up and set up your classes. In the last few years, I’ve become wary of “shiny” technologies that offer a lot of promises but very little return on the investment of time, energy, and sometimes money for a product. Over the course of two periods, students worked on inquiring into their poem and crafting a Sketchnote to visually represent their thinking.

Like this: 150 herramientas gratuitas para crear materiales educativos con tics. Más de 150 sitios con herramientas didácticas gratuitas para crear materiales educativos online Generadores de cuadernos, libros y publicaciones digitales Cuadernia online(Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de Castilla-La Mancha). Herramienta fácil y funcional para la creación y difusión de materiales educativos digitales. Permite crear de forma dinámica y visual cuadernos digitales que pueden contener información y actividades multimedia. Generadores de webquest y cazas del tesoro 1,2,3 tu WebQuest generador de webquest de Aula 21.

Generadores de cuestionarios y ejercicios Generadores de cuestionarios de autoevaluación (4Teachers). Generadores de hojas de caligrafía y papel pautado Ver también la sección Lectoescritura, grafomotricidad y alfabetización Generador de hojas pautadas para caligrafía en diversos tamaños de cuadrícula y en formato PDF para imprimir ( de hojas de caligrafía a partir de textos propios(blog Generadores de textos en otros idiomas. 5 apps para educación imprescindibles en tu tableta. Actualmente disponemos de muchas herramientas para enfocar la enseñanza a través del juego, en este artículo te traemos cinco apps para educación imprescindibles en tu tableta, tanto si tienes hijos en edad escolar como si eres docente. A continuación mostramos una lista de aplicaciones gratuitas que ayudarán a los niños de Primaria a repasar lo aprendido en clase.

Puedes encontrarlas para descargar en tu dispositivo favorito haciendo clic en la imagen que se encuentra bajo el icono de la aplicación. CreAPPcuentos Con esta aplicación para tablets podréis crear vuestros propios cuentos. Reúne toda tu creatividad y la de tus hijos para escribir, editar y grabar la narración de la historia a vuestro gusto. Selecciona el fondo, añade los stickers y los sonidos desde la biblioteca para completar tu cuento con todas las páginas que quieras. Tablas de multiplicar El abecedario en inglés Planeta Boing Planeta Boing reúne actividades de diferentes materias para niños de entre 3 y años. Kids and homework. Homework is generally part of any English course and is set with the aim of helping children absorb and build on work done in class and to extend their learning time.

Doing homework also helps children on their way to becoming independent learners. Here are some ideas for using LearnEnglish Kids for homework. Homework and parentsHomework provides a link between school and home. Parents like to see what their children are learning and children, especially very young learners, often like to show parents what they can do. If you are setting homework from LearnEnglish Kids you need to get parents involved as their children will need permission to use the internet at home. Parents who want to know more about how to help their child with English at home might be interested in the ‘Helping your child’ section on LearnEnglish Kids Parents site: What kind of homework? By Sally Trowbridge. Smartphones & Learning possibilities in the EFL class. Some data on mobile usage growth 21st century classroom infographic Six hours a day. That’s how much time the average teenager spends online, according to a June 2013 study by McAfee.

These are “digital natives,” a generation that has grown up online and connected. source: Forbes,2/28/2014 Mobile devices & Learning purpose When designing a class for students of English as a foreign language, it is certainly a current practice to have the communicative goals and cultural aspects tailored to meet the students’ needs. The use of the tech resource is not supposed to replace that, it comes as a helping and engaging tool. Allow me to share findings from my classroom experience over the course of four years. I teach mostly teenagers and adult learners in a language school environment. I have witnessed that their engagement and interest is huge. Apps for Classroom use Learner training.