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Urban Outfitters Window Inspiration. Tape Spider Web for the Spider Within | EPICr. So, you’re an art student and due to a shipping error you receive over 100 pounds of shipping tape. What do you do with that tape? Well, it should be obvious, build a huge shipping tape spider web! The tape web was on display in June 2010 at the Odeon, an old stock exchange building in Vienna, and used 117,000 feet of shipping tape! The tape web art is intended to represent the choreography of dance, and how a dancer morphs her body into exquisite beauty.

This kind of epic scale art is no stranger to the design team, who are all veteran set designers with the design collective For Use/Numen which works with many foreign films. The group has already been contacted by a number of interested parties who want to exhibit the tape spider web. Hopefully, this tape spider web craze really picks up and a new genre of art is born. Now enjoy some tape spider web pictures! Tape Web Video: Anthropologie display windows. S Best Photos of anthropologie and store. Flickr Hive Mind is a search engine as well as an experiment in the power of Folksonomies. All thumbnail images come directly from Flickr, none are stored on Flickr Hive Mind. These photos are bound by the copyright and license of their owners, the thumbnail links take to you to the photos (as well as their copyright and license details) within Flickr.

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The Window Display Blog | Images and words on the best displays around London. Just Inspiration « The Visual Merchandising Blog – Jyppe A. Quidores.