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Minute physics. The Periodic Table of Videos - University of Nottingham. The Hockey Stick vs. Ice Core Data. Free Science Videos and Lectures: Free Education Online is Possible! Se Jordens brande de sidste 10 år. De sidste 10 år har to af NASA’s satellitter indsamlet data over Jordens brande.

Se Jordens brande de sidste 10 år

Disse billeder har de nu samlet i én stor visuel præsentation af en af naturens mest destruktive fænomener: Ildebrande. Billederne stammer fra instrumentet MODIS (Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer), som er ombord på NASA’s satellitter ved navn Terra og Aqua. NASA observerer og analyserer brande over hele verden igennem et omfattende researchprogram med satellitter, fly og udstyr på Jorden. Undersøgelserne hjælper forskerne med at forstå, hvordan brande påvirker os på et lokalt, regionalt og globalt plan. »Det man kan se på disse billeder er en rigtig god repræsentation af den satellitdata forskerne bruger til at forstå den globale fordeling af brande og for at fastslå, hvordan brandenes udbredelse stemmer overens med klimaændringer og befolkningens vækst,« siger professor Chris Justice fra University of Maryland, College Park, som er projektleder på MODIS.

Fakta Nyt projekt skal skydes i gang. Stars & Planets relative sizes. The Physics of Space Battles. List of unsolved problems in physics. Some of the major unsolved problems in physics are theoretical, meaning that existing theories seem incapable of explaining a certain observed phenomenon or experimental result.

List of unsolved problems in physics

The others are experimental, meaning that there is a difficulty in creating an experiment to test a proposed theory or investigate a phenomenon in greater detail. Unsolved problems by subfield[edit] The following is a list of unsolved problems grouped into broad area of physics.[1] Cosmology, and general relativity[edit] Cosmic inflation Is the theory of cosmic inflation correct, and if so, what are the details of this epoch? Horizon problem Electroweak Horizon Problem Why aren't there obvious large-scale discontinuities in the electroweak vacuum, if distant parts of the observable universe were causally separate when the electroweak epoch ended? Future of the universe Is the universe heading towards a Big Freeze, a Big Rip, a Big Crunch or a Big Bounce?

Gravitational wave Can gravitational waves be directly detected? . Rumtidens skjulte dimensioner. Rumtidens skjulte dimensioner Rumtiden, som man sædvanligvis tænker på som firedimensional, kan have så mange som syv ekstra dimensioner.

Rumtidens skjulte dimensioner

Ellevedimensionale strukturer, som studeres nu, kunne give en forenet redegørelse for naturens fire grundlæggende kræfter Daniel Z. Freedman og Peter van Nieuwenhuizen * Nuclearweaponarchive. Hammer and Feather. Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 1996 by Eric M.

Hammer and Feather

Jones. All rights reserved. Scan and panorama assembly credits in the Image Library. Video credits in the Video Library. Except where noted, audio clips by David Shaffer. MP3 Audio Clip ( 6 min 34 sec ) Video Clip 2 min 24 sec ( 0.6 Mb RealVideo or 21 Mb MPG ) 167:02:55 Scott: Whenever you're ready, I'll get the tools off of you (that is, off Jim's PLSS). 167:03:02 Irwin: Okay. 167:03:18 Scott: They want to get that? 167:03:19 Irwin: I guess so; I don't know. 167:03:23 Scott: Yeah. [Jim goes to the back of the Rover, having left the SCB on his seat.] 167:03:25 Allen: Dave, that's affirm. 167:03:33 Scott: Okay. 167:03:35 Irwin: Okay, I'm ready to get the tools off. 167:03:36 Allen: And we're plenty comfortable on the time. 167:03:40 Scott: Yeah, well, we ought to get the descent engine sample first. 167:03:45 Irwin: Okay, well I don't need my bags for that. God is in The Neurons.