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Jelle Martens. Absolutely loving Jelle Martens’ work.

Jelle Martens

Raw and inspired, I want a print. More work can be found at his flickr. Collage art & Illustrations by Sammy Slabbinck. “ Play me “ original paper collage © Sammy Slabbinck 2017 “ Autumn , almost ready “ original paper collage.

Collage art & Illustrations by Sammy Slabbinck

Limited edition prints by Sammy Slabbinck — Home. Le manuel scolaire catholique pour les femmes de 1960 illustré. C’est ce que nous propose le graphiste Emmanuel Bussmann, alias RSfBT.

Le manuel scolaire catholique pour les femmes de 1960 illustré

Je pense que tout le monde a entendu parler du « Petit manuel scolaire catholique d’économie domestique » pour les femmes et publié en 1960, qui donne les règles de conduite à connaître par les filles de bonne famille. Si vous ne le connaissez pas et que vous n’en avez jamais entendu parler, en gros cet extrait fait l’apologie du patriarcat, c’est à la fois drôle et terrifiant. Voici donc différents articles de ce manuel, illustrés dans un style vintage/kitsch, et agrémentés d’une grosse dose d’humour bien salace, on est plus que fan alors on vous fait partager : Henk Van Putten. Ola-dele kuku. 6DotsLightBoxSeries 6DotsBlackBoxSeries Self Similar OperaDomestica.

ola-dele kuku

Natacha Caland plasticiene. Natacha Caland est née en 1968.

Natacha Caland plasticiene

Elle a une double formation de musicienne (licence de musicologie de l’Université de Strasbourg) et d’architecte (diplôme d’architecture de l’École Nationale d’Architecture de Strasbourg). Elle vit à Strasbourg où elle se consacre aujourd’hui exclusivement à ses recherches plastiques et à la production de ses tableaux-sculptures. Les tableaux-sculptures de Natacha Caland sont issus d’une recherche sur les trames à partir d’éléments en bois en nombre aléatoire ou déterminé, généralement plusieurs centaines pour un tableau.

Collections du sculpteur sur bois. #301110 • ERABLE, ACIER • MAPLE, STEEL 440x220x80mm #221110 • ERABLE, LAITON • MAPLE, BRASS 500x390x110mmmargin-top:0px; #091210 • FRÊNE, ACIER • ASH, STEEL 480x240x120 mmmargin-top:0px;

Collections du sculpteur sur bois

Malikafavre. Cate Parr - Fashion Illustrator. Anyone who has ever attempted to master various forms of visual art will attest that watercolor painting usually turns out to be one of the most challenging.

Cate Parr - Fashion Illustrator

This has not discouraged Cate Parr, a UK-born fashion illustrator, who has managed to capture the ethereal, fleeting and vulnerable qualities of fashion imagery in her watercolors. There is a dreamy, beautiful undertone, yet the images are not entirely virginal. A darker undertone, beneath the pastelly beauty demands the viewer to look closer, a quality we admire in any image-maker's work. In today's world of a million images a second, it takes a lot to make any of us stop and pause and really see. Gilbert Garcin Artiste Photographe à Marseille. Anamorphic illusions. Spanning over 30 years, Swiss artist Felice Varini has been mesmerizing viewers with his anamorphic illusions.

Anamorphic illusions

The artist, who resides in Paris, displays his illusionary work in both private and public spaces. The urban paintings require a specific point of view to visualize the geometric shapes he creates as a continuous whole. From any other standpoint, the piece is fragmented and may not align properly. Varini’s works appear effortless, often employing simple shapes like circles and lines. However, there is far more discipline and meticulous work put into the uninterrupted flow of each geometric entity. There are so many fantastic illusions by Varini that it’s difficult to choose only a handful to present. . [ via ] The Silk Vortices of Akiko Ikeuchi. (click images for detail) I am thrilled to share with you the work of Japanese artist Akiko Ikeuchi.

The Silk Vortices of Akiko Ikeuchi

Born in Tokyo in 1964, Akiko received a doctorate in painting from the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. For over two decades she has been hanging her delicately crafted string sculptures in galleries around Japan, Korea, and New York. The installations are constructed from extremely delicate silk threads, and despite the chaotic appearance of the knotted webs Akiko plans each work as an architect would plan a building with precision blueprints that involve a complex internal framework. The resulting works evoke powerful forces of nature: tornadoes, whirlpools, and perhaps even galaxies themselves. See an extensive archive of Akiko’s work at her web site, and if you want to see it in person visit the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo where she has work on display through May 8. Joan Miró: L'Antitete: Le Désespéranto. Surreal World.

L’artiste américaine Nancy Fouts réalise des sculptures humoristiques dans un style surréaliste.

Surreal World

Modifiant des objets du quotidien et y insérant des paradoxes par le détournement, le rendu splendide est à découvrir dans la suite. Une large sélection à découvrir dans la suite. Noir et blanc. 33 Perfectly Timed Photos. You may be the best photographer in the world, but sometimes all it takes to take the best shot is being in the right place at the right moment. It doesn’t even matter if you take it with your cell or high-end DSLR. Often, you won’t even notice you made an incredible picture until you come home and transfer your photos to a computer. Show Full Text However, that doesn’t mean you should stop improving your photography skills and just wait for that one and only moment.

The Print Center.