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The Weirdest New Source of Alternative Energy: Underwater Vibrations | Alternative Energy. The latest frontier for renewable energy is the ocean floor. A novel method of generating power uses a network of metal rods to tap into the currents that flow along the bottom of the ocean (and along riverbeds as well). Water swirls as it flows past the rods, making them vibrate. This phenomenon is painfully familiar to oil companies, which spend large sums of money minimizing such vibrations in order to stabilize offshore drilling equipment. “Everyone was obsessed with suppressing this motion,” says Michael Bernitsas, the University of Michigan engineer who developed the technology.

“At some point it dawned on me that maybe we can do the opposite: Enhance it and harness the energy.” Many proposed ocean energy projects rely on turbines that require sustained strong currents, but Bernitsas’s device can run efficiently on water flows of just a few miles per hour. New Energy Sources on Horizon. Future Energy - Concepts for future electricity generation. 26Apr Infinyte I4: A Purely Electric Catamaran Cruiser While solar-power electric hybrid vehicles are a proven success story on the roads, the time is ripe for the appearance of solar-electric watercraft.

Already a pontoon boat - Loon - is available in the market. It is solar-electric powered and can seat eight passengers. Now a smaller one - the purely electric run, Infinyte I4 - is the new kid in the block. Plans for a bigger boat solar-electric type are also on the anvil. 18 Comments 24Apr Flying Wind Farms: Future Power Harvesters How would you like swarms of kite-like airborne turbines spinning at high altitudes sending power down via nano-tube cable tethers to generate power for your community?

18Apr Hydrogen Generation & Storage Made Easy with Nano-Technology Fuels like gasoline, based on hydrocarbon, create pollution and carbon footprint. 06Apr Common Algae for Biofuel Butanol Production 30Mar MiraQua: A Tiny Miracle 28Mar The New Role of Microbes in Bio-Fuel Production 23Mar 18Mar 16Mar 15Mar. A new source of energy: tapping electricity from the air. Brazilian scientists believe they have found a way of tapping electricity direct from the air - and preventing lightning strikes at the same time.

"Our research could pave the way for turning electricity from the atmosphere into an alternative energy source for the future," said study leader Dr Fernando Galembeck of the University of Campinas. "Just as solar energy could free some households from paying electric bills, this promising new energy source could have a similar effect. " Scientists have been unsure about whether an electrical charge is created when water vapor collects on microscopic particles of dust and other material in the air. Galembeck and his colleagues have simulated this using tiny particles of silica and aluminum phosphate, both common airborne substances, and shown that silica became more negatively charged in the presence of high humidity and aluminum phosphate became more positively charged.

New Sources of Renewable Energy; One Being Cow Power. This year’s Congressional Energy and Energy Efficiency Expo Forum in Washington DC that was held in the end of May did early pinpoint on the controversy of Fossil Fuel. They were mainly referring to the oil spill in the Gulf region (BP oil Spill). Rep. Jay Inslee of Washington State conveyed the message by saying that one has never been “injured by a photon spill”. The reference was that solar energy is much safer to use than fossil fuels both to life and the ecosystem. During the expo, a roomful of various vendors were proposing technologies for renewable sources of energy and efficiency. There were also several members of the congress who supported some of the alternative energy ventures suggested. South Carolina Rep.

Moreover, Maryland Chris Van Hollen, co-chair of the House of Renewable and Energy Efficiency Caucus, stated that the objective behind energy-climate legislations is to put the country in a safety bandwagon. Cow Farms Producing Energy The Century College in St. Conclusion.