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6 Surprising Alternate Uses for Your Nail Polish. Photo Credit Nail polish is a magical thing in and of itself – after all, it can completely finish a look and make your nails look chic and fabulous. Since my polish collection is constantly multiplying, I recently began to wonder if there were any other things that I could use my favorite nail polishes for – and turns out, there are! So, I’ve compiled my top 6 favorite alternate uses for clear and colored polishes! Read on to learn more. 1.

Fixing tights Photo Credit We all know how frustrating it is when you see a run appearing in your tights that you just put on. But if this happens to you, don’t worry – clear nail polish can come to the rescue! 2. Photo Credit I picked up this little DIY trick when I was in 4th grade and have loved it ever since! 3. Photo Credit A true sign that you’re entering the real world is watching the number of keys on your key ring increase. My solution? 4. Photo Credit 5. Photo Credit 6. Photo Credit Thoughts?

Jennifer Lawrence's Hair and Makeup Looks. Half Moon Nails — Pretty Shiny Sparkly. In The Mood - Fingernail Color Changing Nail Polish. Welcome to the fun whimsical world of mood changing nail polish. Don't worry - you're not crazy, but your nail polish, on the other hand may be described as .....unstable. Finally, a nail polish that will reflect your inner hysteria. Amuse yourself by guessing what shade your nail polish will be at any given moment. In The Mood has been featured in many publications, including Glamour, Instyle Magazine and Boston Herald. Take advantage of our flat rate shipping special with only $7 shipping for up to 8 bottles and only $12 for up to 10 bottles.

In The Mood, makes a great gift. We ship to the USA and Canada only. Bottle it up. The best stuff in life is free. Like sunshine, blue skies and THE OCEAN…if you have access to it, that is. Which I don’t. And I know it’s only January but I’m already Jonesing for spring. So, to scratch the itch, I decided to go with beach hair. Problem was I needed sea spray to get the really beachy look and texture. I was fresh out. And it is far from free. So with much hesitation and skepticism I took on the task of making my own, with stuff I already had around the house. BELIEVE me when I tell you, this is BY FAR the best sea spray I have ever used, EVER. RECIPE: 1 Cup WARM water 3 Tablespoons Sea Salt 1 Tablespoon Gel or Spray Gel 1/2 Tablespoon Conditioner (or leave-in) A couple spritzes of your favorite perfume DIRECTIONS: Mix Warm water and salt first and shake well.
