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Mouseless - an invisible computer mouse. Pranav Mistry. Mouseless is an invisible computer mouse that provides the familiarity of interaction of a physical mouse without actually needing a real hardware mouse. As the computer mouse has remained largely unchanged over the last decades, we have become increasingly proficient at operating the two-button mouse. Recently, various multitouch and gestural interaction technologies have been explored as means to implement alternative methods to interact with a computer. Despite these advances in computing hardware technologies, the two-button computer mouse has remained the predominant means to interact with a computer.

The Mouseless invention removes the requirement of having a physical mouse altogether but still provides the intuitive interaction of a physical mouse that we are familiar with. Mouseless consists of an Infrared (IR) laser beam (with line cap) and an Infrared camera. Both IR laser and IR camera are embedded in the computer. . . . more pictures are coming soon. P. Keyboards and Keyboard Products. 6 ways to use your mouse wheel to do more in Firefox | Digital Quest.

Optimoz: /gestures/index. "; ? > rapid execution of common browser commands with mouse movements What are mouse gestures? Mouse Gestures are a fast way to execute commands without using the keyboard, menus or toolbars. Instead, the user holds down a mouse button (usually the right one), moves the mouse in a certain way to form a gesture, then releases the mouse button. In web browsers like Mozilla Firefox or the Mozilla Suite, gestures are used to go back or forward a page, switch between tabs, open multiple links at once, control text or image size, and numerous other functions. However, gestures are in no way limited to browsers: the Mouse Gestures extension also supports Mozilla Thunderbird, Mail and News (Mozilla's built-in email client) and Chatzilla. Mouse Gesture examples Below is a selection of the wide range of gesture functions. Poof! After Wireless, the Computer Mouse Turns Invisible | Gadget Lab. In a magic trick that only geeks can pull off, researchers at MIT have found a method to let users click and scroll exactly the same way they would with a computer mouse, without the device actually being there.

Cup your palm, move it around on a table and a cursor on the screen hovers. Tap on the table like you would click a real mouse, and the computer responds. It’s one step beyond cordless. It’s an invisible mouse. The project, called “Mouseless,” uses an infrared laser beam and camera to track the movements of the palm and fingers and translate them into computer commands. “Like many other projects in the past, including the Nintendo Power Glove and the Fingerworks iGesture Pad, this attempts to see how we can use new technology to control old technology,” says Daniel Wigdor, a user experience architect for Microsoft who hasn’t worked directly on the project. “It’s just an intermediate step to where we want to be.”

The Mouseless idea is not as big a breakthrough as Sixth Sense.