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IPTorrents. Joongel Torrents | Find the Best Torrents On the Web From the Best Sources. - Verified torrents. FilesOverMiles: Easily send large files directly between computers for free. 2 Alternatives To Share Large Files Instantly Using P2P. Ever wanted to send large files over across the world, but found yourself limited by email attachment sizes? Well, nowadays there are so many different number of ways to send large files to your family and friends: you can host them online, set up Dropbox shares, use Yousendit or and other numerous ways. In case you are looking for a hassle-free way that requires no setup, provides instant transfers using just the good old web browser, here is what you have been looking for: We will be looking at two similar services Fileai and [NO LONGER WORKS] FilesOverMiles.

As simple as it can get, both of them only require a web browser for you to start sharing files. That is it. No setting up your own servers, no creating private torrents, no uploading the file to third-party server. Just click on the Send Files button within Fileai or the browse button within FilesOverMiles and you can pick and choose the files you want to send. So what are the advantages? Not convinced? - Verified torrents. Avoid Downloading Fake Torrents and Spam with Vertor. With millions of potential targets, BitTorrent sites are a great arena for scammers and spammers. Vertor is a new BitTorrent site that aims to eliminate these threats.

Every torrent on the site is checked for viruses, DRM and password protected archives by Vertor's software, and users are able to preview the contents of torrents before they download them. It is no secret that badly moderated sites are often filled with spam, spyware and worse. The true power behind the best torrent sites are the moderators, since they are the ones who monitor all uploads and remove the bad apples by hand., short for ‘verified torrents’, takes moderation a step further – the site actually downloads every file, to check for viruses, DRM and other inconveniences.

The site goes even further though. For every video file, Vertor takes several screenshots so users can verify that it is actually the film the title says it is. There is a downside to verifying all the torrents though. Civil Netizen Official Download Site - A free, personal file transfer program for your large files and folders. WinMX.