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HOW TO: Create a World-Class Online Community for Your Business. Name the companies that set the standards for social media use in business.

HOW TO: Create a World-Class Online Community for Your Business

Nothing coming to mind immediately? Me neither. Telligent, an enterprise collaboration software company, believes that some day the same answer will immediately occur to both of us. "We think that if you give [leaders in corporate social media use] a little more time, you won't even have to do research," says Cecilia Edwards, Telligent's senior director of strategy. "This stuff is going to start rolling off of your tongue...some of these leaders will start being known as the definitive world-class leaders. Edwards and Telligent CTO Rob Howard are releasing a white paper today that delineates what these standard-setting communities of the future will look like. 1.

Don't pour resources into creating an online community without defining what business objectives you want it to accomplish. 2. Howard and Edwards found that a personal touch was an important factor in an online community's success. 3. 4. 5. 6. How Social Data & Mobile Tech Can Improve the Retail Experience. Sandeep Bhanote is CEO of Global Bay Mobile Technologies, a provider of next generation mobile retail software to top retailers including Guess Jeans, True Religion, City Sports, and many others.

How Social Data & Mobile Tech Can Improve the Retail Experience

For more information, visit or follow @GlobalBay on Twitter. Do you remember when your favorite retailer didn’t have a website? Can you imagine not being able to find your favorite store online today? Unthinkable, right? It’s not surprising that today’s shoppers are becoming increasingly digitally savvy. The good news is that forward-looking retailers are already integrating digital, mobile and social media technology into their brick-and-mortar sales strategies as a means to connect with these digitally savvy consumers and drive real value to their bottom line. Here are five ways retailers will be using mobile and social media to change the way we shop in 2011, both in-store and online.

Presenting with Twitter and other backchannels. Presenting with Twitter can be challenging.

Presenting with Twitter and other backchannels

Just about every week a new story of a speaker getting roasted on Twitter makes waves in the blogosphere. I’ve written a free eBook “How to present with Twitter (and other backchannels)” to help you avoid that fate. There’s no sign up required. Just click and read. I asked my trusted and expert community to review the book and say what they thought of it: “Fantastic eBook! “Wow! “Don’t get caught without Olivia Mitchell’s just-in-time guide to the technology, tips and tactics speakers need to navigate the Twitter backchannel when they’re presenting. Download the eBook Note: There are a lot of clickable hyperlinks in the eBook. In the eBook I show you: Download “How to Present with Twitter (and other backchannels)” Updating This eBook will get out-of-date very quickly. Cliff Atkinson’s book Cliff Atkinson (author of Beyond Bullet Points) has written a deeper exploration of the impact on Twitter on presenting. 5 New Paradigms for a Socially Engaged Company. Soren Gordhamer is the organizer of the Wisdom 2.0 Conference, which brings together staff from Google, Facebook, Twitter and Zynga with others to explore living with awareness and wisdom in our modern age, at the end of February in Silicon Valley.

5 New Paradigms for a Socially Engaged Company

He is SorenG on Twitter. The age of social media is not just changing our personal lives, but is increasingly affecting how business is conducted. No longer satisfied with strictly top-down models that view employees as cogs in a system, businesses are quickly adapting to a new paradigm that emphasizes connection, collaboration and innovation. When people in companies and teams feel engaged, the benefits are significant. Towers Watson (formerly Towers Perrin), the global professional services firm, interviewed 90,000 employees in 18 countries, and found “companies with high employee engagement had a 19% increase in operating income and almost a 28% growth in earnings per share. 1. The Old Paradigm: “Force people to do what you want.”