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Facebook Twitter Corrosion of metals associated with wood. Nick UmneySenior Conservator, Furniture & Woodwork Section, Conservation Department The reactions for lead may be: (click image for larger version) Wood and metal are used together for so many purposes that they are usually regarded as highly compatible materials.

Corrosion of metals associated with wood

However, interactions between certain metals and woods can take place under adverse conditions, or as a result of using unsuitable materials. Such interactions can occur through direct contact of metal fastenings and fittings with wood or indirectly, through the environment when metal objects are transported, stored, or displayed in wooden containers. This has long been known but is still sometimes forgotten. The structural components of wood are complex organic molecules - cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The object is a 19th Century bronze statue of Nandi, the Kneeling bull of Shiva. Corrosion is essentially a process of oxidation. Wood can act as a source of water for corrosion processes. Reference. Article: Causes of metal corrosion in timber fixings. Why do metal fixings corrode in timber?

Article: Causes of metal corrosion in timber fixings

The single most important factor in determining the incidence of corrosion is moisture. (The threshold moisture content below which no appreciable corrosion of embedded metal occurs is the same as the safety limit for wood-rotting fungi, i.e about 20%.) Above this level, wood is always acidic due to the breakdown by water of wood cellulose to acetic acid, through natural ageing processes. No wood species can be regarded as 'innocuous' but some are more aggressive, notably the heartwood of oak, sweet chestnut, western red cedar and Douglas fir. Acetic acid is volatile and, in poorly ventilated areas, can cause corrosion at sites away from the main wetted regions. Marine environments If the timber has been in prolonged contact with seawater, or if the structure is exposed to coastal air, the chloride content and corrosivity of the wood can be increased. Timber treatments Timber treatments can be potential corrosion hazards.

Top. Metal and Wood Feng Shui Elements - Feng Shui Tips for a Happy Home. When you have to create a harmonious feng shui home for the so-called destructive, or challenging feng shui birth elements combination of Metal and Wood, be patient.

Metal and Wood Feng Shui Elements - Feng Shui Tips for a Happy Home

It is fully possible to create a nourishing home to support both feng shui birth elements, but it takes time and effort. In very simple terms, the interaction of Metal and Wood feng shui elements is considered destructive because metal cuts the wood. Destructive Cycle of Feng Shui Elements What this means in terms of energy exchange between people with these two elements is that, most probably, the person with the Metal feng shui birth element might be too harsh towards the Wood element person, thus creating the possibility of a potentially difficult interaction. When you have this feng shui birth elements combination with your child, your parent, your spouse or between siblings, you sure want to minimize the friction and create more harmony at home.

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