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Technology integration

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A Great Guide on How to Effectively Integrate Technology in The Classroom. The 33 Digital Skills Every 21st Century Teacher should Have. Every single teacher is concerned about his/ her teaching practices and the skills involved in this process. How many times have you wondered about a better way to teach the same lesson you have delivered to an eariler class? How often have you used technology to engage your students and improve their learning ? These are some recurring questions we keep regurgitating each time our teaching skills are put to the test. It is amazing how technology has changed the whole world giving rise to new forms of education we never thought of. Our students are more digitally focused than any time before. There are actually several pluses for the use of technology in education and to try and list them all here is way beyond the scope of this short post. There is no blinking the fact that the type of students we teach today are completely different from last century's.

The 21st century teacher should be able to : 7- Use Social networking sites to connect with colleagues and grow professionally. A Great Guide on How to Effectively Integrate Technology in The Classroom. The Beginner's Guide to 21st Century Teaching and Learning. Why should you integrate the internet into your curriculum? How do you plan meaningful web-based activities?

How do you build a Professional Learning Community? What free tech tools are available for teachers and students? The Beginner’s Guide to 21st Century Teaching and Learning, designed for the digital immigrant, will answer these and many more of your questions, hesitations and fears surrounding integrating the internet and technology into your curriculum. It serves as a technology handbook for teachers ready to harness technology as a teaching and learning tool. Web-based instructional activities have an enormous potential to enhance and entice learning. Free Educational Resources by The 7 Golden Rules of Using Technology in Schools. Top 10 Technology Blogs for Education. Education, as with all aspects of culture, is greatly impacted by the forward progress of technology. Several technology blogs for education are maintained by well-known individuals in the field of secondary and postsecondary education. These technology blogs address technological developments as these innovations relate to education.

Many of the top 10 technology blogs for education are maintained by those who specialize in integrating information technology with education. Most bloggers on the list are renown in the educational field and all offer great ideas and insights for teachers and others interested in using technology to enhance traditional educational methods. 1. The Innovative Educator is a blog created and maintained by author Lisa Neilsen. 2. Free Technology 4 Teachers is a blog that introduces teachers to free web-based applications, such as YouTube. 3. Michael Zimmer, a specialist in the field of technology integration in secondary education, produces this blog. 4. 5.

50 Ways to Integrate Technology - Ways to Anchor Technology in Your Classroom Tomorrow. Using Free Websites as Learning & Teaching Tools 1. Have students use Spelling City to learn their spelling words, vocabulary words, or site words through games, practice, and quizzes. Spelling City is a free resource for teachers. 2.

Use Brain POP to show short, animated videos as a lesson opener. Brain POP is available in its original version (appropriate for grades 3-8), Brain POP Jr. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Share your ideas for integration on Animoto. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Using Free Websites for Management 21. 22. Differentiating Using 21st Century Tools - Mahara.