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Forget The Past, Fear Not The Future: The Importance Of Living In The Present. All that is certain is this very moment.

Forget The Past, Fear Not The Future: The Importance Of Living In The Present

The present is all that anyone ever has. So we must ask: Why are we so wrapped up in the “what has been” and the “what will be”? My thoughts have a tendency to jump all over the place; I can never seem to just be in the present moment. If I am not thinking about my future plans, I’m reflecting on my past actions and how they led me to where I am in that very moment. It’s a never-ending cycle of introspection. I know I am not the only one who suffers from overthinking.

Suffice it to say, his work changes lives. Tolle writes, “All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present. At last! It is not easy to fully be present in the very moment you are living. Those of us who struggle with such often ask ourselves: How can you be present when life cries for you to continue moving forward?

We learn from our pasts, this is true, but when making decisions, we have a tendency to revert to that past place. Spiritscienceantmetaphysics. Taking a nap, we’ve seen time and again, is like rebooting your brain.


Everyone likes to get a quick nap in every now and then, but napping may be as much of an art as it is a science. The Wall Street Journal offers recommendations for planning your perfect nap, including how long to nap and when. The sleep experts in the article say a 10-to-20-minute power nap gives you the best “bang for your buck,” but depending on what you want the nap to do for you, other durations might be ideal. For a quick boost of alertness, experts say a 10-to-20-minute power nap is adequate for getting back to work in a pinch.

For cognitive memory processing, however, a 60-minute nap may do more good, Dr. “If you take it longer than 30 minutes, you end up in deep sleep. Finally, the 90-minute nap will likely involve a full cycle of sleep, which aids creativity and emotional and procedural memory, such as learning how to ride a bike. The Scientific Power of Naps: Sources: TheAustralian. Fastcoexist. Millions of people drink tea because of its health benefits, including its cancer-fighting compounds.


Aside from water, tea is the world’s most popular beverage. Now some researchers are collecting early evidence that, as a result of climate change, major tea-cultivating regions in China may produce lower quality and less healthy tea in the future. A team of researchers in embarking on a major study of three of China’s largest tea-growing provinces to look at this question, but early work and results suggests that this phenomenon is already playing out.

In China, there are several harvests a year, some during the monsoon season and others during the dry season. The wet harvests produce a lower-quality tea that usually commands a lower price for farmers, according to Selena Ahmed, a food systems researcher at Montana State University who has already collected preliminary data in southwestern China's Yunnan Province. The early findings are concerning. Les insectes, c’est « pandastique » !

Un drôle de concept, pour une journée un peu spéciale. Bienvenue dans le monde méconnu de nos amis, à 6 pattes. Au pied du Parlement européen trône désormais le plus grand Hôtel à Insectes du continent… un exemple de bio-diversité. Un abri géant construit par des enfants Pendant plusieurs heures, les enfants ont travaillé d’arrache-pied pour construire cet abri. "Les insectes peuvent y faire leur nid" Pour l’assister, près d’une centaine d’enfants se relaye ici, pendant toute la matinée. Des espaces adaptés aux différentes espèces Dans ces alvéoles, les abeilles solitaires et sauvages, les bourdons, scarabées ou même des araignées trouveront refuge.

C’est finalement en musique que cette drôle de troupe achève la construction de l’hôtel. Reportage de Martin Vachiery avec Benjamin Van Kelst. Bibobuzz.