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Search · gr- GSoC - GNU Radio - GSoC is a Google-sponsored event to get students involved in Open Source projects (Website). GNURadio has participated in GSoC 2012 and 2013, and has 5 students accepted for GSoC 2014. Students interested in participating, read the student instructions and the rules of conduct. List of ideas¶ This is the list of project ideas for GSoC 2014 within GNU Radio.

All of these projects have mentors, so if you have any questions, feel free to contact them! Remember that these are ideas and are merely meant as an inspiration for you to write your own proposal. Students who do not find a fit among these projects are encouraged to engage with us and suggest new ones. Reviewing the Google FAQ page for a broader understanding of project, mentor, and student responsibilities is recommended. If you need a USRP to complete the project, we will be able to arrange something.

Signal Processing¶ GSM analysis tool (replacement for airprobe)¶ Airprobe is a tool that was used to analyse GSM signals a while back. AcademicPapers - GNU Radio - Please feel free to add a summary, bibliographic info, and a link to your papers! Institutions sorted by continent. Asia¶ National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Pakistan¶ Niaz Ahmed, Waqas Abbas, Affan Syed. "A Low-cost and Flexible Underwater Platform to Promote Experiments in UWSN Research", in Proceedings of the 7th ACM WUWNet Conference, Los Angeles, CA, USA, November 5-6, 2012.

UTM-MIMOS Center of Excellence in Telecommunication Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia¶ Syed-Yusof, S.K., Khairul Rashid, K.M. ; Abdul Latiff, N.M. ; Fisal, N. ; Sarijari, M.A. ; Rashid, R.A. ; Ramli, N., "TDMA-based cooperative sensing using SDR platform for cognitive radio", in Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Communications Conference (APCC), South Korea, October 15-17, 2012 Europe¶ Lappeenranta University of Technology¶ A. ETH Zürich (Switzerland)¶ System Security Group: "S. Department of Physics - Quantum Optics Group: University of Messina (Italy) - Faculty of Engineering¶

WikiStart - GNU Radio - Introduction¶ GNU Radio is a free & open-source software development toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement software radios. It can be used with readily-available low-cost external RF hardware to create software-defined radios, or without hardware in a simulation-like environment. It is widely used in hobbyist, academic and commercial environments to support both wireless communications research and real-world radio systems. GNU Radio is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 or later. All of the code is copyright of the Free Software Foundation. Content¶ 0. Registration for GRCon16 is now open!

I. If you've never touched GNU Radio before, these pages will get you started with a running installation of GNU Radio and will show you how to take your first steps with this software radio tool. II. GNU Radio has two manuals: one for the C++ API and another for the Python API. Documentation on this wiki: III. IV. V. VI. Related projects¶ Other Languages¶ Josh Knows | Introductory Tour of the GNU Radio Project. Before you read too far, I have produced a coding guide: Blocks Coding Guide. Don't overlook it. Introduction I am writing this guide because GNU Radio is a great tool that can easily be overlooked. The documentation is poor and just getting started is not obvious.

There is a tight niche between GNU Radio developers and programmers/users. GNU Radio is a set of signal processing tools for the computer. GNU Radio is... An API for creating signal blocks (C++/Python) A runtime environment for signal processing A library of signal processing blocks User scripts and applications Hardware drivers (USRP/USRP2/VRT) An application for creating flow graphs (GRC) The USRP is big ADC/DAC with a USB plug, with a decent price (under $1k). Buy USRPs Here Installing GNU Radio Installing GNU Radio is probably the biggest leap for a beginner. Windows GNU Radio definitely works in Windows. Follow these instructions Linux Ubuntu Linux is very nice for GNU Radio because all the dependencies can be easily met.

Python. Howto 第二季,如何实现在给自己的模块配置参数_gnuradio吧_百度贴吧. Home · guruofquality/gras Wiki. Gnuradio3.7.3 C++模板的使用. Gnuradio - MY BLOG. Unix需要安装安装Cmake 源代码地址: 编译: mkdir cd cmake 或cmake-gui 部件的选择: 默认情况下,编译所有部件,使用cmake-gui 或ccmake (curses)编译图形部件(???)。 或者按照下面的命令行配置: 禁... Contents [hide] 1 Packet-switching in GNUradio 2 Message and message queue classes 2.1 Message 2.2 Message queue 3 Transmit side operations 4 Receive side operations Packet-sw...

Octave 是 GNU Radio 的最流行的分析工具,鉴于此 GNU Radio 软件包也包含它自身的一组脚本( scripts )用于读取和语法分析输出。 安装- Installing 可以从源码( source)来安装 Octave,或者在 Ubuntu 内使用如下命令: sudo apt-get install octave 以便 GNU Radio 的 Octa... #! 中包含了计算发送或者接收数据比特率的函数,(在gnuradio3.7中没有这个文件) 根据以下参数设定来求解的 与AD,DA转换率 converter_rate 插值/抽取率 interp / decim 每符号样值数 samples_per_symbol 每符号比特数 bits_per_symbol 可以举一个例子 加入AD 的采样率为 conve... 输 出 "O" "U" "u" "a" 的意义 当运行 gnu radio 程序时,会有时看见 "O" "U" "u" "a" 字符出现在屏幕上。 (在网上看到这篇文章,感觉或许会有所帮助,文章里所说的例子在gnuradio3.6和3.7都没找到,在3.4中看到有文章里的例子。) 方法1: 打开~/.grc_gnuradio/文件夹,把写好的XML文件直接拷到该文件夹下,重新打开GRC后即可使用该模块。 Optparse是专门用来在命令行添加选项的一个模块。

Simple DVB with Gstreamer and GNU Radio - MyLabWiki. This article describes a simple video broadcasting setup based on Gstreamer, GNU Radio and the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP). It does not (yet) provide any DVB-T or DVB-S compatible system — just a simple way to get your webcam on the air! Overview The objective is to create a simple digital video broadcasting setup using easily available components as illustrated on the figure below. The long term goal is to get a similar setup up to near space and LEO. UVC Webcam An UVC compliant webcam is used as a cheap but efficient video source. Gstreamer Gstreamer is used for everything related to video processing. GNU Radio GNU Radio is used to create the software defined radio transmitters and receivers.

The Universal Software Radio Peripheral provides the necessary transmitter and receiver hardware to get our signals on the air (bits and bytes can not fly) Using these components we can accomplish some very advanced and cool functionalities, such as: Source code or V1: Conceptual prototype. Home | GNSS-SDR - An Open Source Global Navigation Satellite System Software Defined Receiver. Csete/gqrx. GNU Radio - GNURadioCompanion - Note This guide is for the GRC bundled with GNU Radio, and not for any of the separate GRC releases. If you are using GRC 0.70 and below, please use this guide instead. GNU Radio Companion (GRC) is a graphical tool for creating signal flow graphs and generating flow-graph source code.

It is currently under development by Josh Blum . New Features ¶ What has changed in GRC since the stable 0.70 release? Bundled - GRC is now bundled with the gnuradio source. Requirements ¶ GRC Requirements ¶ Most (if not all) of these requirements can be found in the package manager of you linux distribution. GNU Radio Requirements ¶ GRC is bundled with the current gnuradio trunk and will be included in the 3.2 release. Note: GRC will let you generate flow graphs with components that are not included in your local install. Installation ¶ Installing GRC ¶ GRC is bundled with gnuradio, so following the installation guide should be enough to install GRC. Cmake .. make sudo make install Installing Documentation ¶ . <? GNU_Radio.