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Best Childcare in Sylvania. Chantel’s Kindergarten Sylvania is a 40 place centre catering for children aged 0-5 years.

Best Childcare in Sylvania

Chantel’s Kindergarten is situated within the Sutherland shire opposite a primary school and surrounded by a beautiful natural environment. Chantels Kindergarten Sylvania was established in 2007 and has been offering exceeding quality care since. Childcare Menai - Chantel’s kindergarten. Posted at 23:30h in Blog by Chantels Chantel’s Kindergarten Menai has recently opened it doors to the Menai community.

Childcare Menai - Chantel’s kindergarten

We have been providing exceptional care and education within the Sutherland shire for more then 13 years. Opening our second branch has been a dream come true. We believe in education and care that is individualised within a trusting, happy and nurturing environment. Being a small centre nestled in a leafy and beautiful neighbourhood, it allows us as educators to build connections with our local community and establish strong connections with the children and families attending our service. Since we opened Chantel’s Kindergarten Menai we have already made so many amazing memories during the experiences that we have planned for our children. We have also been learning about cultures and integrated Aboriginal education within our curriculum. Child Care Agency Sydney. The Role of Child Care Centers in the Modern World. The importance of early childhood education in today's world is crucial.

The Role of Child Care Centers in the Modern World

With so much gang violence, limited child care centers, latch key kids, and even divorce playing a factor, is there any hope at all that the future of our world will change for the better? It always has been said education starts at home. Preschool Learning Activities Sylvania. – Our highly dedicated team have designed a curriculum that focuses on infant preschool education to ensure growing babies get the best start to life.

Preschool Learning Activities Sylvania

We provide a daily program that entails careful planning and implementation of a play based curriculum. The nursery is set up in ways to stimulate children’s curiosity. Our nursery teachers ensure the program includes elements of hands on experiences to engage a baby’s sensory development. Food, nutrition and learning all make up a part of the program we promote to our infants.

We endeavour to create home like environments for our baby’s to grow and learn in. Our toddlers are very busy learners here at Chantel’s Kindergarten and our curriculum ensures that it captures the interests of each child. They want to learn more about the world in which we live in. Munch & Move makes up a part of our overall curriculum and focuses on physical movement and nutrition. Adjusting Your Child to Life in Child Care Centres. If you have just enrolled your child in a child care centre then you must have faced situations like watching your child crying loudly on the first day when you say good-bye.

Adjusting Your Child to Life in Child Care Centres

The Importance of Preschool. Why should you send your little one, your preschooler to a formal preschool?

The Importance of Preschool

What is the importance of preschool? What are the benefits? What is your child going to learn by going to preschool? Let's look at the answers to these questions together. During play, children learn. One of the most obvious benefits is the socialization your child will get. During this social interaction your child will learn invaluable lessons. The preschool years are a time when bodies are growing at a rapid pace. Many parents just look at the cognitive skills their children will be learning when looking at preschools. The best way to learn these types of skills is by playing and not by doing worksheets. Childcare Centre - What to Ask on First Visit. While inspecting a Childcare Centre for the first time that potentially your child may attend you should get a feeling for the centre.

Childcare Centre - What to Ask on First Visit

What type and quality of care are they providing? In your own mind you have to decide if this care is what you want for your child. Will the environment they provide make your child's time at the centre a happy one. A content child will connect and learn much faster. To achieve this I suggest you spend as much time as you possibly can in the centre on your first visit. Selecting a Childcare Center That Will Provide a Safe and Healthy Environment For Children. Choosing a child care center is one of the most important decisions that a working parent will make to help ensure the health, safety, and overall well being of their child while they must be away from them.

Selecting a Childcare Center That Will Provide a Safe and Healthy Environment For Children

Thousands of children are treated in emergency rooms for injuries sustained at child care centers or childcare homes each year in addition to those instances of abuse or neglect. Sadly, some of those children will lose their lives. There are precautions that can be taken t help ensure that a child will be properly cared for while a parent is at work.

The first question a parent should ask is whether the childcare center or childcare home has an open door policy. If the answer is no, that provider should not be selected. Check to see that staff has been trained on blood borne pathogens. Parents should not be afraid to ask to see the license and most recent inspection date. Find out if staff goes outside with the children to supervise and oversee their safety and wellbeing. Best Preschool Learning Centre Sylvania. Early Childhood Education NSW.