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Semaine du 3 mai 2020

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Rapport developpement durable. Electricity – Global Energy Review 2020 – Analysis - IEA. A U-shaped recovery would push low-carbon sources of electricity well ahead of coal-fired generation globally in 2020.

Electricity – Global Energy Review 2020 – Analysis - IEA

The low-carbon share of generation is expected to surge to 40% in 2020, the highest level on record, partly because total generation would fall by almost 5%. Low-carbon sources would be six percentage points ahead of coal, after having taken the lead in 2019. Renewables would reach the highest level in terms of output and share, with new projects more than compensating for lower nuclear power output. Wind and solar power are set to increase in any case because of new projects that have been built over the past year, lifting their share of generation to nearly 9% in 2020, twice as high as in 2015.

Coal-fired generation would be squeezed the most over the year, falling 10% in 2020. A faster recovery would boost electricity demand, raising demand for all sources of electricity. U.S. solar, wind energy struggle as coronavirus takes toll - Canadian Manufacturing. A hybrid energy system, utilizing numerous forms of renewable energy.

U.S. solar, wind energy struggle as coronavirus takes toll - Canadian Manufacturing

PHOTO: Nenad Kajić, via Wikimedia Commons NEW YORK — The U.S. renewable energy industry is reeling from the new coronavirus pandemic, which has delayed construction, put thousands of skilled labourers out of work and sowed doubts about solar and wind projects on the drawing board. In locked-down California, some local agencies that issue permits for new work closed temporarily, and some solar companies furloughed installers. In New York and New Jersey, SunPower CEO Thomas Werner halted installation of more than 400 residential solar systems, fearing for his workers’ safety. As many as 120,000 jobs in solar and 35,000 in wind could be lost, trade groups say. “There are many smaller companies going out of business as we speak,” said Abigail Ross Hopper, president of the Solar Energy Industries Association.

Leaders are confident the future is bright. “Think about working on a roof with a mask,” Cotter said. En Suède, une éolienne en bois ouvre la voie d’une production commerciale - Révolution Énergétique. L’aventure commence en 2012 en Allemagne quand la société TimberTower érige près de Hanovre une première éolienne « pilote » dotée d’un mât en bois de 100 m.

En Suède, une éolienne en bois ouvre la voie d’une production commerciale - Révolution Énergétique

Quatre ans plus tard, le développeur éolien Innovent lance la construction à Argentan de la première éolienne française en bois. Tentative avortée puisque, l’année suivante, elle doit être démantelée. Aujourd’hui, le flambeau est repris par l’entreprise suédoise Modvion qui vient de mettre en service un premier prototype et vise la fabrication commerciale en 2022 de mâts en bois pour des éoliennes de 150 m. Le premier avantage d’une construction en bois est évidemment d’en réduire fortement l’empreinte carbone. Le CO2 absorbé par les arbres pendant leur croissance est stocké ensuite dans la structure pendant toute la durée de vie de l’édifice.

Mobile.reuters. Researchers engineer photosynthetic bacteria to produce hydrogen. The price of photovoltaic power has plunged, making it competitive with fossil fuel-powered electrical generation.

Researchers engineer photosynthetic bacteria to produce hydrogen

But there is still a range of applications, like ships and aircraft, where electrical power doesn't help much. And storing the electricity produced by solar power so that it can be used at night remains an unsolved problem. For those reasons, there has been continued interest in converting solar power to a fuel that can be stored, either through the use of electricity generated by photovoltaics or by using light to directly power fuel generation. There's obviously a means of generating fuel through light that has been in use for roughly 3 billion years: photosynthesis. But photosynthesis requires a large and complex suite of proteins that's hard to maintain outside of cells. Earlier this week, however, researchers from the University of Kiel described how they've rearranged some photosynthetic proteins to make bacteria that emit hydrogen when exposed to light.

Greening Industry: Building Recyclable, Next-Generation Turbine Blades. April 21, 2020 We have come a long way since the first Earth Day in 1970.

Greening Industry: Building Recyclable, Next-Generation Turbine Blades

As of January this year, there were nearly 1.5 million electric cars driving on U.S. roads, we recycle and/or compost approximately 35% of our waste (Environmental Protection Agency), and roughly 20% of U.S. energy generation comes from renewable sources (U.S. Energy Information Administration). Les énergies renouvelables surpassent le charbon aux États-Unis. La production d’électricité des énergies renouvelables a surpassé celle provenant du charbon aux États-Unis, selon une étude.

Les énergies renouvelables surpassent le charbon aux États-Unis

En raison de la pandémie de coronavirus qui ralentit l’économie du pays, les énergies vertes ont dépassé le charbon dans la production d’électricité pendant 40 jours consécutifs, selon Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA). L’institut a qualifié les résultats de «jalon» dans la transition américaine vers une énergie propre. L’organisme a attribué ce record à la baisse des prix du gaz, aux températures plus clémentes et à une forte baisse de la demande d’électricité, puisque les entreprises ont cessé leurs activités.

En dénonçant les non dits de l'économie verte, Michael Moore provoque la colère des écologistes - Transitions & Energies. Capteurs solaires: et si l’on n’avait encore rien vu? - Transitions & Energies.