L'Ontario sera un chef de file au pays en exigeant une essence plus propre et plus verte. TORONTO - Le gouvernement de l'Ontario rend l'essence que les conducteurs utilisent tous les jours plus propre en devenant la première province à exiger des fournisseurs de carburants qu'ils augmentent la teneur en carburant renouvelable de l'essence ordinaire à 15 %.
Ce changement devrait se traduire par une réduction annuelle des émissions de gaz à effet de serre pouvant atteindre une mégatonne en 2030, ce qui équivaut à retirer 300 000 voitures de la circulation chaque année. En Ontario, l'éthanol est le plus souvent produit à partir de maïs cultivé localement. Hydrogen blending pilot project aims to make Canadian natural gas grid greener. Enbridge Gas and Cummins Inc have announced a new hydrogen blending pilot project moving forward with the support of Sustainable Development Technology Canada (STDC).
The $5.2 million project will blend renewable H2 into the existing natural gas network. The hydrogen blending project will focus on the use of green H2, manufactured in the company’s Power-to-Gas Facility in Markham, Ontario. The renewable fuel will then be incorporated into a segment of the existing local natural gas network, which will serve approximately 3,600 customers. The purpose of this first of its kind project in North America is to reduce the carbon footprint from the gas network used primarily for heating. It is being viewed as an important step forward in what they hope will result in a greener gas supply for millions of people across the Canadian province of Ontario. Once the implementation proves successful, Enbridge Gas will broaden its hydrogen blending activities. Rien ne doit freiner la transition. (Photo: 123RF) TRANSITION ÉCOLOGIE.
Une grave récession mondiale a beau nous menacer depuis le début de la pandémie, verdir l’économie semble demeurer une priorité, à Québec comme à Ottawa. La ministre des Finances du Canada, Chrystia Freeland, a d’ailleurs défendu, lors d’allocutions au Forum mondial de Toronto et à la Chambre de commerce du Montréal métropolitain, la nécessité pour son gouvernement d’entreprendre des « investissements significatifs » et d’« établir les fondements d’une économie verte ». These solar panels don’t need the sun to produce energy. L’abordabilité du futur réseau électrique du Canada passe par le développement massif des énergies éolienne et solaire - Canadian Renewable Energy Association. Robert Hornung | November 16, 2020 There is no doubt that wind and solar energy are experiencing substantial growth in Canada, and around the world.
The 2020 New Energy Outlook from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) projected that wind and solar energy will grow from meeting 9% of global electricity demand today to an impressive 56% of global electricity demand by 2050. This is consistent with the findings of DNV-GL’s 2020 Energy Transition Outlook, which projects that wind and solar energy will meet 62% of global electricity demand by 2050. What might surprise you about these studies is that the primary driver of such staggering growth is economic, over and above its power to confront climate change. Wind and solar energy have become the dominant choice for new electricity generation globally because they provide new electricity at the lowest cost. It’s a similar situation in many other parts of the world. REC – Avenir énergétique du Canada en 2020. Investing in our future with battery storage. Produire de l’hydrogène grâce à la lumière. Reuters Events: Future of Renewables Virtual · December 8 - 9, 2020 · Digital Conference & Exhibition.
As the world seeks to rebuild in the wake of the pandemic, one vision has emerged clear, our recovery should be a green one with renewable energy at its core.
As governments set about unveiling their grand plans for a sustainable world, the energy industry waits with bated breath to discover what opportunities lie ahead. Reuters Events: Future of Renewables Global will unite policy makers and top thought leadership on one stage and unfurl the green recovery playbook. Shedding light on where the most lucrative opportunities await, whether it be the expansion of infrastructure, the electrification of end use sectors or decarbonising the way we do business. Therefore, charting the path for the energy majors of tomorrow. The stage is set for energy leaders to steer us into a new world. Register Now. Affordability of Wind, Solar and Energy Storage Technologies - Canadian Renewable Energy Association. Wednesday December 9 Time: 2:00 – 3:00 PM EST The increasing affordability of wind energy, solar energy and energy storage is positioning our technologies to play a central role in transforming Canada’s energy mix.
Join Logan Goldie-Scot, Global Head of Clean Power research at BloombergNEF, and Robert Hornung, President & CEO at CanREA, for a discussion on the latest trends and developments related to the affordability of wind, solar and energy storage technologies. How do they stack up against the competition and what are the implications for the future cost of electricity and the future cost of the electricity system? . Increased affordability, however, will not be enough to guarantee market growth and capitalize on Canada’s tremendous untapped wind and solar resources without action to remove policy, market, and regulatory barriers.
Power Together Networking (Virtual) Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PM EST Sponsorships.