Stantec collabore avec Hydro-Québec dans l’adaptation aux changements climatiques. La firme mondiale d’ingénierie Stantec a été sélectionnée par Hydro-Québec pour l’appuyer dans le développement d’un premier plan d’adaptation pour atténuer les risques des changements climatiques pour ses installations et activités.
Ce projet, qui s’inscrit dans le Plan stratégique 2020-2024 d’Hydro-Québec, vise d’abord à identifier et à analyser les impacts potentiels des changements climatiques sur les actifs et activités d’Hydro-Québec, comme par exemple l’exploitation des postes électriques, des barrages, des lignes de transmission et de distribution, et ce, sur l’ensemble du territoire du Québec. Mobilisation pour une relance économique verte au Québec. Dans son dernier budget déposé début mars, le gouvernement Legault rattrapait un certain retard dans la lutte contre les changements climatiques en proposant d'investir plus de 6 milliards de dollars en six ans pour réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) de 37,5 %, par rapport au taux de 1990, d'ici 10 ans.
Depuis, même si ça ne fait pas tellement longtemps, il y a eu la crise du nouveau coronavirus. US oil companies in call to halt biofuel blending as prices fall. Calls have been made to halt blending The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is considering whether to let oil refineries stop adding ethanol to their fuels.
Oil prices have been falling steadily amid a number of Trump administration efforts to ease financial pressure on the industry. Ethanol producers, however, say they have likewise been affected as its economy suffers due to the coronavirus pandemic. New Jersey Urged to Include Microgrids in Energy Efficiency Programs. The Sierra Club is urging New Jersey regulators to include microgrids as part of the state’s strategy for supporting energy efficiency and peak demand reduction.
By EyeLights West/ The environmental group and others are also pushing the state to use energy storage to improve energy efficiency and peak demand cuts, according to comments filed with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU). At issue is a proposal to revamp the state’s efficiency and demand reduction programs released by the BPU in March. The proposal grew out of the New Jersey’s 2018 Clean Energy Act, which calls for overhauling the state’s power system and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The proposal includes recommendations on program design and administration, cost recovery mechanisms, performance targets and metrics, program performance reviews, the evaluation, measurement and verification of programs and program effects, and filing and reporting requirements. Energy efficiency and microgrids. Germany, UK produce record solar power amid smog-free skies. Germany’s photovoltaic plants produced 32.227 GW on Monday (40% of the country’s power), which beat the country’s previous record on March 23.
The UK broke its solar record on Monday at 9.68 GW. The previous record was 9.55 GW in May 2019. The coronavirus lockdown has reduced pollution. Pollution can block sunshine and coat PV panels in dirt, making them less effective. Cleaner air has in turn has let more sunshine through, and thus generated more solar power in European countries. Rooftop Wind Power Might Take Off by Using Key Principle of Flight. Solar panels perched on the roofs of houses and other buildings are an increasingly common sight in the U.S., but rooftop wind systems have never caught on.
Past efforts to scale down the towering turbines that generate wind power to something that might sit on a home have been plagued by too many technical problems to make such devices practical. Now, however, a new design could circumvent those issues by harnessing the same principle that creates lift for airplane wings. Overall, electricity generated by renewable sources has grown in the U.S. in recent years, and wind power has been a major driver of that trend. It accounts for more than 40 percent of electricity from renewables in the U.S.
(though only 7 percent of all electricity production). New York plans up to 2.5GW offshore wind tender. The state’s Public Service Commission (PSC) authorised the New York Energy Research and Development Authority (Nyserda) to issue a new offshore wind solicitation for at least 1GW and up to 2.5GW.
According to a petition filed with the PSC, Nyserda plans to issue the tender this summer. In its filing with the state regulators in January, the authority argued that holding the auction this year would help developers to better “capture rapidly falling costs”. North Dakota General Electric wind turbine plant closes as 128 people test positive for COVID-19. By Anthony Bertolt 24 April 2020 This Monday, an additional 128 COVID-19 cases were reported after the testing of employees of a wind turbine blade facility in Grand Forks, North Dakota.
The outbreak was only discovered after the screening of half the 900 employees at the LM Wind Power factor, a business of General Electric, and their close contacts. In response to the outbreak, North Dakota Republican Governor Doug Burgum issued a 14-day quarantine order for all of the employees of the plant, and GE has closed the plant down for cleaning and disinfection while paying the quarantined employees. Le match voiture électrique à batteries contre voiture électrique à hydrogène - Transitions & Energies. Créer des filières d'hydrogène vert nécessitera des subventions massives - Transitions & Energies.