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Why not? We are currently working on adding more TV providers. Please check back frequently to see if your TV provider has been added. Why do I need to log in to watch some video content? Viewers who verify their subscription to a TV provider get access to a deeper catalog of video content, including more full episodes. Project History: Aztec Trade and Economy. If you could travel back in time and wander through an Aztec marketplace in a large city such as Tenochtitlan, you would witness a well developed economy and system of trade.

Project History: Aztec Trade and Economy

The Aztecs traded anything and everything. If you wanted food, you could buy rabbits, birds, dogs, fish, turkeys, and other proteins. Or, if you were in the mood for produce, you could purchase chili peppers, maize (corn), or tomatoes. Don't forget to buy some salt to bring the flavor out.