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Landing Page Optimization & Conversion Rate Optimization. Just when you thought you knew all the terms of Internet Marketing, they added a few new ones… If you’re involved in Internet Marketing you know SEM, you live and breath SEO, you watch your CTR like a hawk, you know the importance of minimizing Bounce Rates, and do everything in your power to help your visitors progress through your sales funnel. So, here’s a question for ya. Have you ever heard of CRO or LPO? What is CRO and LPO? Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is a segmented form of web page optimization that focuses on a page’s ability to convert traffic. Conversions, which could potentially be any action deemed of value, are used as the core metric for making decisions on what to test and improve.

CRO is very similar to Landing Page Optimization (LPO), seeing as how their end goals are basically the same: to increase a page’s ability to convert. How do they differ from SEO? The biggest difference between LPO/CRO and SEO is where they are used in the conversion funnel. Which split-testing software should you use? Web Analytics. 20 outils pour vérifier vos sites web. Dernière ligne droite avant la mise en ligne, le débugage est une étape essentielle. En plus de vérifier si le cahier des charges est rempli, il est également temps d’optimiser votre projet. Découvrez une sélection de 20 outils pour ne rien laisser au hasard. La phase de vérification et d’optimisation est aussi important que la phase de définition d’un projet web.

Elle permet de finaliser un site en beauté, d’avoir au final un produit de qualité, fonctionnel et conforme aux normes du web. Pour vous aider dans cette quête de perfection, je vous propose de découvrir ses quelques outils. Gratuits et en ligne pour la plupart, ils vous seront d’une aide précieuse… Analyses préalables : Verify App « La manière la plus rapide de collecter les retours utilisateurs sur les maquettes et concepts ».

Resolve App Outil de collaboration pour aider les équipes de conception web à donner leurs avis sur un projet Php Security Info Permet de vérifier la configuration de PHP sur le serveur. sfProjectAnalyser. Etsy/statsd. Measurement, ROI, Metrics. The Imminent Shift from Social to Digital Engagement. InShare409 How do you define engagement? No matter how you define it, engagement is something that we most likely underestimate. Engagement symbolizes the touches that occur in various moments of truth and this should completely change not only how you engage someone in each moment but also how the inside of your company works with one another to make it frictionless and experiential.

Whether a customer stands on the stage of awareness, consideration, purchase, or post purchase, touch points open and close. And, it is in those moments that engagement, regardless of source or shape, affects the next steps and impressions of customers. These moments of truth however are not limited to any one channel. The image above represents a detailed customer journey map, which outlines the important steps your connected customers take during and following decision making. One such company is one that you’re more than familiar with. Perhaps a Chief Digital Officer is just the beginning.
