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Rediscovering code through the Corona SDK.Social Media Stock Sentiment Trading Analysis Software Data- HEDGE | Social Media Stock Sentiment Trading Analysis Software Data- HEDGE Doubletap + Storyboard. Mobile Application Development | Double Tap to Override Single Tap Rotation. Hi, I'm new to Corona SDK (trying out trial version), and starting work on a small game. I want the user to be able to tap once on an image to make it rotate. That's not a problem. What I am stuck on is getting two taps to rotate the image in the opposite direction without also triggering the single tap response. Right now two taps makes it rotate both ways, so it ends up back where it started.

(This way of rotating an object is the simplest interaction I could think of for rotation - similar to Bubble Ball but with the ability to rotate both ways. But I'm open to suggestions). The issue is that two taps always *also* triggers the one-tap response. Function myImage.tap(self, event) if event.numTaps == 2 then myImage:rotate( 5 ) -- return true elseif event.numTaps == 1 then myImage:rotate( -5 ) end end myImage:addEventListener("tap", myImage) Thanks, Eric. Gideros Mobile. We have stopped developing with the Corona SDK | Pixel Envision. Due to recent developments, we will no longer be using Corona SDK. If anyone wants to know why, all I can say is that’s because of all the little things stacking up on each other such as: Dropping ArmV6 support, first on Android and now on iOS.Forcing 32 bit frame buffers for Android (to fix gradient banding issues) which causes slowdowns, without an option to disable it.Launchpad Analytics appended to each app but simply I do not want Ansca to track my apps… Yes, I know there is an option to disable this but it’ll be back on as soon as you add something like game network, ads, etc…They are still adding new features while there are major stuff waiting to be fixed such as properly working masks, better (retina, rotation, etc) sprites, etc…Outdated core engine, Box2DBloating app size day by day with the stuff I won’t be using such as Papaya, super rewards, etc.We wanted iAds, Ansca added InMobi.

We wanted iAds, Ansca added Inneractive. CoronaSDK Enhanced UI Library (ui.lua) Cross-Platform Mobile App Development for iOS, Android - Corona Labs. Corona SDK Tech Tutorials.