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Personal Branding Blog – Dan Schawbel » Clients Don’t Buy Services. They Buy People. For a great many people, a word like “brand” is easier to associate with a tangible product like cars or detergent. People who provide a service rather than a product don’t always think of themselves as a “brand” because the dots are sometimes harder to connect for them. The reality is that there is absolutely no reason why a person or company that provides a service shouldn’t think of themselves as a brand because they need to stand out.

There are other reasons but that’s pretty much the biggest one. You need to stand out, get customers, make money, etc. Do you plan on simply saying that you’re an accountant and expect the people to flock to you in droves? Ha. Good luck. When it comes to branding a service, I always like to make my client think of their customers and how they’d like that customer to feel. Plain and simple, beyond capabilities and resources and technology and fancy offices, customers want to deal with other people they like. Then and only then do they buy services.