Mr Chandrakant Patil
Chandrakant Patil is an Indian politician who is State President BJP Maharashtra. He has served as the Cabinet Minister of Maharashtra since July 2016. He is responsible for Revenue and Public Works.
Statement on Pune’s 8 Vidhan Sabha Constituencies. Maharashtra state elections are set to commence soon, and many political parties have started their election campaigns as well as plans accordingly.
Press Conference at Kolhapur. The month of October has been very happening for the Maharashtra state with reference to changed political equations, the elections, and the election results.
Finally, on the 24th October election result has been declared and people have given a clear mandate to the BJP- Shiv Sena alliance. सोसायट्यांचे पुनर्निर्माण. श्री चंद्रकांत दादा पाटील कोथरूड पुणे येथून निवडणुका लढवत आहेत.
निवडणूक मोहिमेदरम्यान रिक्षामधून प्रवास. पुणे शहराची सर्वात मोठी समस्या ट्रॅफिक ही आहे.
First Melava at Kothrud for the Election. The BJP recently came up with a surprising decision regarding the Assembly election ticket for the BJP Chief of Maharashtra- Mr Chandrakant Dada Patil.
It was eleventh-hour breaking news by the BJP and according to this news, Mr Chandrakant Dada Patil will contest for the election through the Kothrud Pune constituency. Mr Chandrakant Dada Patil attended the Melava event at Pune. During this event, he threw light on his journey in the entire process of the Assembly election. Mr Patil said that he has accepted the decision of the senior authorities and according to their instructions, he is contesting for the state election through Kothrud in Pune. Auto-Rickshaw Journey in Election Campaign. Traffic is the most severe issue in Pune city.
Recently, a survey was conducted in Asian cities to study the hazards of traffic in every region and according to this survey, Pune happens to be in top-10. Moreover, Pune and Bangalore have crossed 3 metro cities of India, namely- Delhi, Chennai, and Mumbai in the said survey. During occasions such as rallies, roadshows, heavy rain, festival season, etc. the traffic issue in Pune area worsens further.
Dussehra Festival Special—8th October 2019. India - the land of culture, customs and traditions- observes a significant festival called ‘Navaratri’, concluded by ‘Dussehra’ every year.
Dussehra is one of the most significant and auspicious festivals of the Hindu religion, celebrated across the country. This festival is celebrated after ‘Sharadiya Navaratri’ and it marks the 10th day after Navaratri. Dussehra is celebrated with great zeal, happiness, and enthusiasm to mark the victory of Prabhu Ramchandra on Ravana. Kojagiri Poornima Special—13th October 2019. India is known as the land of culture, customs, and traditions.
The country celebrates Kojagiri Poornima or Sharad Poornima with great zeal and devotion, just like every other festival. Sharad Ritu or the early autumn season is recognised with pleasant climatic conditions, clear skies and a vibrantly shining moon. Kojagiri Poornima Special—13th October 2019. Shubh Deepawali— (Deepawali Special—25/10/2019-28/10/2019) Diwali or Deepawali is a major Hindu festival of India.
This festival is celebrated enthusiastically across various regions in the country. Diwali, also commonly known as ‘Deepawali’, is observed as the festival of lights and is celebrated by lighting lamps at homes, shops, temples, streets, etc. Polite Appeal to Vote through a Twitter Video. Maharashtra’s State election season has already begun, and all the political parties are putting significant efforts for election campaigns.
In this situation, the ruling party tries to keep the power with itself whereas, opposition parties consider election as an opportunity for transition and power change. The BJP in Maharashtra state also conducted the election campaign Maha Janadesh Yatra that received a huge response and tremendous success in the state. BJP senior authorities also used different strategies and surprises to shock the opposition parties. One of the biggest decisions was Honourable Mr Chandrakant Dada Patil who also happens to be the BJP, Maharashtra Chief was instructed to contest in the election through the Kothrud-Pune constituency. Launching of the Kothrud Manifesto. BJP Chief of Maharashtra and the Mahayuti candidate for Kothrud constituency- Mr Chandrakant Dada Patil recently presented the manifesto for Kothrud. This manifesto is totally promising and in line with the developmental initiatives planned for this constituency.
During this event, many prominent faces from Pune’s political circle such as- MP Mr Girish Bapat, Former Minister and MP of Rajasthan Mr P.P. Chaudhary, Maharashtra BJP Regional Secretary Mr Rajesh Pande, MLA Smt Madhuri Misal, MLA Mrs Medha Tai Kulkarni, former MP Mr Anil Shirole,former MLA Mr Chandrakant Mokate, Shiv Sena leader Mr Sham Deshpande, BJP leader Mr Muralidhar Mohol, and Mr Ujjval Keskar were present. New Inning—A Great Beginning.
On 24th October, Maharashtra state election results were declared and the BJP-Shiv Sena alliance established the control again for the next 5 years term. BJP and Shiv-Sena have secured 161 seats in total out of 288 and they have received a clear majority for establishing their government again in the state. A few of the constituencies were considered as the prestigious ones due to the changed political equations and many other factors. One of the prestigious constituencies among the state was the Kothrud-Pune constituency. This constituency has been secured by the BJP Chief of Maharashtra- Honourable Mr Chandrakant Dada Patil. Yesterday, the election results were declared, and all media channels concentrated on only election result news. After this victory, Shri Chandrakant Dada Patil took to his Twitter account to thank voters and express himself.
In short, it can be concluded that it is a new inning for Mr Chandrakant Dada Patil. Exit Poll Predictions. The Maharashtra state assembly elections are going to be held on 21st October 2019, the results of which will be out on 24th October 2019. Meanwhile, many exit polls are being declared by different political analysts, news channels and experts. A majority of these polls have claimed that the BJP- Shiv Sena Government will be back in the state. According to these polls, Honourable Mr Devendra Fadnavis will be appointed as the Chief Minister of the state again. Interview to Policenama. Appointment of Mr Bavankule as the East Vidarbha Election Campaign Chief.
On 21st October, the Maharashtra state elections are set to commence and BJP-Shiv-Sena have already started discussions regarding seat allocation and election strategy. In this situation, political equations can easily get changed due to some reasons or on account of some hidden plans and strategies. Local supporters or activists are generally unaware of these long-term decisions and they sometimes complain about the changes occurring. Society Redevelopment—The Key for Kothrud Makeover.
Shri Chandrakant Dada Patil is contesting for the state election through the Kothrud-Pune constituency. Through means of the election campaign, he has strengthened his public relations and gathered massive support as well as backing from several sectors and stakeholders of the society. Mr Patil also had a talk with many housing society committees through meetings and visits. In doing so, he collected significant inputs regarding the problems faced by them and their expectations. After gaining these insights, Mr Patil said that the makeover of Kothrud will only be possible when the way for redevelopment of the society will be hurdle-free.
“Karkarta Karta-Dharta” Movement—A Huge Success. The BJP President of Maharashtra and the Mahayuti candidate for Kothrud constituency- Honourable Mr Chandrakant Dada Patil presented his invention in the election campaign through a unique and innovative initiative called — “ Karykarta Karta-Dharta”. According to several social media sources, this campaign has been a huge success and Shri Chandrakant Dada Patil is being accounted credible for the same. This digital campaign was launched by Mr Patil to honour and acknowledge all BJP workers and activists who work hard with a view to strengthening the party. As of now, Mr Chandrakant Patil has posted 3 videos on his official Twitter handle regarding this movement. He has explained the foundation and thought process behind this campaign, which originated from King Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s thought process and all-inclusive approach towards Swarajya activists, also known as ‘Mavalas’.
Interview to Divya Marathi. Love and Support by Several Organisations. विद्यार्थी आणि शास्त्रज्ञ यांसोबत लक्षणीय भेट. महाराष्ट्राच्या निवडणुकांना आता थोडाच अवधी बाकी आहे आणि या दरम्यान सर्वच राजकीय पक्ष निवडणूक प्रचारामध्ये आणि मोहिमांमध्ये व्यस्त आहेत. राज्यात आचारसंहिता लागू झाल्यामुळे या सर्व गोष्टींवर मर्यादा आहेत तरीही बीजेपी नेते आचार संहितेच्याच्या मर्यादेत राहून त्यांची निवडणूक मोहीम आणि जनसंपर्क यशस्वीपणे वाढवत आहेत. ब्राह्मण महासंघाचा निवडणुकीसाठी पाठिंबा आगामी विधानसभा निवडणुकांमध्ये बीजेपी ने विरोधी पक्ष आणि मतदार यांना चंद्रकांत दादा पाटील महाराष्ट्र राज्य महसूल मंत्री यांना कोथरूड पुण्यामधून तिकीट देऊन एक आश्चर्याचा धक्का दिलेला आहे.
बीजेपीच्या अचानक घेतल्या गेलेल्या या आश्चर्यकारक निर्णयामुळे अनेक चर्चा रंगल्या होत्या. लोकांनी कोल्हापूरचा उमेदवार आम्हाला नको अशाप्रकारे टीकेचा सूरही लावला होता परंतु श्री चंद्रकांत दादा पाटील यांच्या चांगल्या लोक संबंधांमुळे तसेच प्रभावी नेतृत्वामुळे ही टीका आता सकारात्मक रीतीने बदलताना दिसत आहे.
नुकतेच त्याचे एक उदाहरण ब्राह्मण महासंघाच्या पाठिंब्याच्या स्वरूपात पहायला मिळते. श्री चंद्रकांत दादा पाटील यांची ब्राह्मण महासंघ अधिकाऱ्यांबरोबर नुकतीच एक बैठक झाली, जिला प्राध्यापक मोहिनी पत्की, श्री जितेंद्र कुलकर्णी, श्री आनंद दवे उपस्थित होते. या बैठकीनंतर महासंघाने एक पत्रक जारी केले आहे ज्याद्वारे त्यांनी माननीय श्री चंद्रकांत दादा पाटील यांना आपला पाठिंबा दर्शवला आहे.
महाराष्ट्र राज्यामध्ये ब्राह्मण समाज एकूण लोकसंख्येच्या चार ते पाच टक्के इतका आहे. Interactive Session at Dnyansagar Institute, Balewadi - Navaratri Special — 29th September- 7th October 2019. Chandrakantdadapatil.kinja. Gandhi Jayanti is observed in India, every year on the 2nd day of October to commemorate the Birth of Rashtrapita Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (2nd October 1869-30th January 1948) or Mahatma Gandhi, as he is popularly known. This year, India is celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of Shri Mahatma Gandhiji. He is remembered by all as one of the most powerful mass leaders and a great freedom fighter of India. Gandhi Jayanti Special—2nd October 2019 - Gandhi Jayanti is observed in India, every year on the 2nd day of October to commemorate the Birth of Rashtrapita Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (2nd October 1869-30th January 1948) or Mahatma Gandhi, as he is popularly known. This year, India is celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of Shri Mahatma Gandhiji.
Gandhi Jayanti Special—2nd October 2019. Gandhi Jayanti is observed in India, every year on the 2nd day of October to commemorate the Birth of Rashtrapita Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (2nd October 1869-30th January 1948) or Mahatma Gandhi, as he is popularly known. This year, India is celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of Shri Mahatma Gandhiji. Gandhi Jayanti Special — 2nd October 2019 - Chandrakant Patil. शेतकरी सन्मान भवनाचे भूमिपूजन. शासन निर्णय आणि योजनांची प्रशंसा
Speedy Work Progress Of The PWD Department. Incredible Elaboration On “Karyakarta- Karta Dharta” Theme. Tanker Water Supply And Fodder Camps Will Be Continued. Many Plans for The Farmer’s Families. प्रयोगशील आणि अभिनव असे महाराष्ट्राचे महसूल मंत्री पोलीस स्टाफ सोबत रस्सीखेच. Kranti Garden Launch Event - Chandrakant Patil. Election Strategy for Western Maharashtra Belt.
बीजेपी अतिरिक्त अधिकाऱ्यांसोबत सोबत बैठक. देशाचे-स्टार्ट अप हब या सन्मानाची प्रशंसा Dental Cleanup and Braces Treatment to Poor Girls. Criticism On NCP And Congress After Sangli Victory - Chandrakant Patil - Medium. शिवसेना आणि बीजेपी युतीमध्ये योग्य समन्वय आणि सुसंवाद. वाशी एपीएमसीला आंतरराष्ट्रीय दर्जाच्या सुविधा - Chandrakant Patil - Medium. Bhoomi-Poojan of ‘Shetkari Sanman Bhavan’ — Chandrakant Patil. Appointed As The Guardian Minister Of Pune - Chandrakant Patil. मोदी सरकार 2.0 चे शतक - जम्मू - काश्मीर विषयी निर्णयावर प्रतिक्रिया “No Power Change for The Next 15 Years”—Mr Chandrakant Dada Patil. “No Power Change for The Next 15 Years”—Mr Chandrakant Dada Patil. पूरग्रस्तांना निधी उपलब्ध करताना विशिष्ट निकष अपेक्षित. कोल्हापूर येथे कृतज्ञता मेळाव्याचे आयोजन. Indirectly Declared First Candidate For The Assembly Election. Chandrakant Dada Patil – Through a Different Perspective.
कार्यासाठी सहयोग देण्यासाठी कॉर्पोरेट आणि सामाजिक संस्थांना आवाहन. कार्यासाठी सहयोग देण्यासाठी कॉर्पोरेट आणि सामाजिक संस्थांना आवाहन. “MahaJanadesh Yatra” – A Great Beginning. Experimental And Innovative Revenue Minister Of Maharashtra. Organisation of Krutadyanta Melava At Kolhapur - Chandrakant Patil. Need To Set Specific Criteria For Flood Relief Funds. मल्टी-चॅनेल मार्गांसह शेतकरी कुटुंबांना सक्षम बनविणे आवश्यक आहे पुण्यात ई-बस लॉन्च कार्यक्रम.
Mutual Adjustments Between BJP-Shiv Sena Alliance. सामाजिक संघटनांनी घेतलेल्या पूर मुक्ती उपायांचे कौतुक. Teacher’s Day Special 5th September 2019. Meeting with the BJP Officials. Ganesha Festival Special—2nd September 2019. महा जनदेश यात्रेत सहभागी होण्याचे आवाहन. नैसर्गिक आपत्तीशी लढा Vashi APMC Will Get International Quality Facilities and Infrastructure. Reaction on Jammu-Kashmir Decisions.