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Weapon Mod And Inscriptions Baseline Pricing <UPDATES IN PROGRESS> Added by Dralspire: Moderators, this post has been edited to conform to the MarketWatch standard. Please make sure that your changes and additions take that standard into consideration. Thank you. Update (January 24, 2008) - Red Alright guys, we have brand new figures. Special thanks to Metalmaster for his efforts to create new a baseline. I've also included descriptions with the inscriptions. Please PM me with all questions:Red Please reply with your data ONLY if it contradicts the below prices. For photos and information on the items listed here. Melee Weapons Sword Barbed sword hilts 1k Crippling sword hilts 1k Cruel sword hilts 1k Ebon sword hilts 1k Fiery sword hilts 1k Furious sword hilts 1-2k Icy sword hilts 3k Poisonous sword hilts 1k Shocking sword hilts 1k Sundering sword hilts 8-10k Sundering 19% - 1k hard to sell Vampiric sword hilts 1k Zealous sword hilts 1-2k Axe Hammer Scythe Dagger Ranged Weapons Spear Bow Shield Handles Magic Weapons Staff.

039;s Guide to Guild Wars. Guild Wars: Guides: A quick guide to buying and selling for new players by Nihil Zarathustra on the GameAmp Network. Guild Wars Community -> Guides. Price Check. Swords - Guild Wars Guru Auction.